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A Guide to Self-Realization

A Guide to Self-Realization book and course by Nathalie Strassburg - feature image with diagram

Introduction, Master Yourself, Expand your Consciousness, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental Aspects, The Learning Spectrum, The Spectrum of Self-Realization, Self-Realization Book and Products, Related Posts.

A Guide to Self-Realization is a book and course created by Nathalie Strassburg. Self-Realization is for anyone that is ready to expand their consciousness, grow, be authentically empowered, cultivate inner truth, have greater self-awareness, have a better relationship with themselves, better relationships with others, achieve authentic self-fulfillment, joy, peace, and harmony.

A Guide to Self-Realization book cover design by Nathalie Strassburg

Paperback available from Amazon (ISBN 9798857000908)
Hardcover available from Amazon (ISBN 9798857014073)
E-Book available from or Amazon. (ISBN 9781998980604 )

A Course in Self-Realization with 142 lessons, introduction video, audio for the lessons, printable worksheets, additional affirmations, audio affirmations, and other material not found in the book.

Master Yourself

Self-realization is the process of unifying our consciousness into a harmonious whole. The guide is based on the 64 lessons from the I Ching that we can master to expand our awareness, discover our authentic self, realize our inner truth, and live our unique destiny. When we balance our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects we become more self-empowered, and can achieve greater self-fulfillment.

A Guide to Self-Realization book and course Diagram by Nathalie Strassburg

Expand your Consciousness

The Self-Realization system, created by Nathalie Strassburg, is compatible with the I Ching, from around 800 BCE, China. It is a great universal model, and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary, 0 and 1, which is what our computers are based on, with 64 (8×8) permutations. The 64 permutations form the Learning Spectrum that the book and course is based on, and they represent the lessons we master in duality to expand our consciousness . The next book and course in the series is A Guide to Enlightenment.

Following the introduction, the book and course include the spectrum of: the self, archetypes, roles, skills, spheres of awareness, principles, the learning spectrum, numbers, geometry, feminine and masculine expressions, self-realization, needs, relationships, and transformation.

Expanding consciousness diagram - from duality to non-dualism, self-realization to enlightenment

Expanding consciousness is the process of integrating all aspects and parts of the conscious self for greater self-awareness and stability. With greater awareness and stability, the self can increase awareness through the dream platform, altered states of consciousness, intuition, and access more information, past, present, future, counterparts, and probabilities related to the whole self and collective consciousness. Expanding consciousness enables greater conscious participation in the ongoing creative process of consciousness, the return to one mindedness, and enlightenment.

Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental Aspects

The book and course is then organized into the four aspects: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. Each section contains the numbers, geometry, spheres of awareness, principles, traits, abilities, skills, and the learning spectrum.

Self-Realization Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental aspects with the I Ching trigrams and images by Nathalie Strassburg

Each aspect has 16 lessons. The 64 lessons in the learning spectrum are the lessons we can master to be an individual that takes empowered action, capable of empowered responses, based on empowered perspectives, and empowered thinking. They are tools that cultivate inner truth, emotional intelligence, and mental freedom that allow us to embrace whatever happens in life and use it for our benefit.

The Learning Spectrum

A Guide to Self-Realization by Nathalie Strassburg - e-book - Learning Spectrum

Each of the 64 lessons have a theme with an introduction, feminine and masculine expressions, and a spectrum to integrate the awareness: affirmation, wisdom, compassion, contemplation, investigation, sensation, observation, and visualization.

The Spectrum of Self-Realization

Elements of Self-Realization - from the book and course by Nathalie Strassburg

Physical Aspect


Expanding our awareness, developing self-love, and love of others through willpower, affirmation, focus, simplicity, authentic expression, and discernment.


Becoming an intuitive nurturer of ourselves and others through love, wisdom, commitment, integrity, and sharing.

Emotional Aspect


Developing emotional intelligence and freedom through the practice of compassion for ourselves and others, mastering desire, elevating ourselves, and our willingness to change.


Mastering our emotional self with balance, trust, confidence, contemplation, silence, acceptance, and integrating our life lessons.

Spiritual Aspect


Expanding our perspectives, practicing meta-cognition, meditation, stillness, and being our own hero through the process of expanding, yielding, balancing intellect with intuition, liberation, and remembering.


Aspiring to higher truth and devotion to a higher purpose by refining ourselves, deepening our understanding, surrendering, being transparent, transmuting, and living peacefully.

Mental Aspect


Developing our inner truth through self-inquiry, observation, perseverance, transcendence, intention, and learning how to master the mind and be joyful.


Expressing our inner truth through our imagination and creating a world we love to live in by being determined, self-empowered, inspired, playful, and patient.

Self-Realization Book and Products

View the Self-Realization Course, Books, and Products here >>

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I Ching Astrology

I Ching spectrum astrology for self-development by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction to the I Ching, Spectrum of Consciousness, I Ching Astrology, I Ching Birth Chart , I Ching Personalized Profile, I Ching Report, I Ching Spectrum Calendar, The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

Introduction to the I Ching

The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical systems, from around 800 BCE. It is a great universal model and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary (what our computers are built on) with 64 themes. In its original form it guides through the ways of nature, and provides wisdom for contemplation and insightful answers to questions.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile - I Ching Overview

The hexagrams that form the basis of the I Ching are from the Bagua, in Taoist Cosmology. It is the 8 symbols that represent the basic principles of existence. It is represented by the 8 trigrams, 8 elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. Each trigram has three lines, each line either “open” or “solid”, representing yin or yang, 0 or 1 forming binary numbers 000-111 (0 to 7).

Spectrum of Consciousness

The 64 hexagrams is a useful tool for exploring something as complex as the spectrum of human consciousness. Looking at the spectrum of consciousness through 8 primary themes makes it simpler to see a larger perspective while appreciating the subtle essence of each. Each hexagram has a name, theme, and number that is from an original sequence. For more information you can take a look at Wikipedia.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - 64 hexagrams for the learning spectrum
The 64 Hexagrams from the I Ching / Bagua. Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven

I Ching Astrology

I Ching astrology is a more detailed guide for self-development than traditional astrology. Astrological elements in the profile and birth chart include: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each astrological element falls within one of the 64 I Ching themes, which represents the spectrum of consciousness, and the life lessons we come to master. Their position can help us identify the theme in our life, expand our awareness, and guide us to self-mastery.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - astrological elements

These elements are energetic themes that are imprinted on our energy body, and include our Personality (traditional star sign from the position of the Sun), Design (from the incarnation cross formed by the positions of the Earth and Sun), emotional Influence from the Moon, our Destiny (North Node), our Gifts (South Node). Below is a detailed list of each astrological element, and what they represent.

Sun represents a personality trait we have come to learn to master. Personality is a key aspect of the design of your conscious awareness.

Earth represents the subconscious influence in your design. Design is a primary feature of your subconscious awareness.

Moon represents the subtle influence in your design. Influence is a key to your well-being.

North Node represents your destiny, the future, and the unknown. Destiny is a key theme to your fulfillment, and personal success.

South Node represents gifts, skills, and abilities we already have. Gifts are primary abilities that you can integrate, and rely on for your authentic fulfillment.

Mercury represents our mental theme, communication, and intelligence: Mind is a key aspect of your life path, and the way you are designed to interact with the world.

Venus represents attraction, relationships, love, beauty and harmony: Attraction is an aspect of your design that will draw others to you.

Mars represents our desires, courage and action. Passion is your soul’s desire and a key element to your authentic joy.

Jupiter represents our abundance, an area of growth, prosperity and potential. Abundance is a source of your inner wisdom.

Saturn represents responsibility, structure and aspiration. Task is the theme of your primary life assignments.

Uranus represents our uniqueness, an area for excellence and expansion. Uniqueness is one of your key areas for self-development.

Neptune represents imagination, possibilities, intuition, and creative power. This Secret Power is a hidden aspect of your design that wants to be uncovered.

Pluto represents power, transformation, evolution, life & death, cycles, change, expansion. Your Power is one of your powerful gifts that will help you succeed.

The positions of the earth and sun create the primary birth cross (color framed on the profile). The profiles contain both the conscious personality (dark grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report) and the subconscious design (light grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report). The subconscious design aspects come from the location of the elements 3 months prior to birth when major brain development takes place, and usually reflect aspects that may be more challenging to integrate. The conscious and subconscious are programming partners.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - incarnation cross

The I Ching Birth Chart contains all the astrological elements from your birth date, time, and location. They are color coded to the I Ching and include the primary theme for each of the astrological elements. The birth chart, profiles, and reports are custom designs and therefore take up to 3 business days to complete.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - example

The profiles, birth charts, and reports are compatible with the Human Design and Gene Keys systems. The placement of the hexagrams on the 360 degree astrological birth chart comes from the Human Design system developed around 1989 after Ra Uru Hu / Alan (Robert) Krakower had a mystical experience where he received the information from a voice over the course of a few days, and then studied and tested it before sharing the information as the Human Design system. The Human Design and Gene Keys system (developed by Richard Rudd) are great tools for self-development, they have helped many people, including myself, with self-discovery, and the process of deconditioning. It can be complicated for some, and take a few years to fully understand and apply it.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Birth Chart - binary energy flow

I believe working directly with the I Ching is a simpler way of integrating the information, and expanding our self-awareness. The profiles, birth charts, and reports are great as an introduction to the concepts. My personal journey has shown me the power that these systems and the I Ching has for self-discovery, it has affected my being, and every aspect of my life. My own process of transformation has inspired the Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization system I developed.

I Ching Birth Chart, Profiles, & Reports

The I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart & Report is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. Order Here.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Personalized Birth Chart design 2 - poster preview

Your birth chart and report contain your design aspects, personality, powers, gifts, uniqueness, passion, life tasks, possibilities, destiny and keys for life fulfillment.

Includes: Your I Ching Report +- 14 page PDF (1mb) with a two page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme and aspects of your design. You can also order the chart without the report. Your I Ching birth chart poster printable JPG file. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive a 10 page introduction I Ching Astrology information booklet PDF (2mb) and a 20% Discount Voucher for all the products in the Self-Realization category.  Please see the product images for more details.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart vertical Poster product for sale

The I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart poster is available in a landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) design. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Personalized Profile

You can order a profile or birth chart poster, with or without the report. It is the same information just presented in a different way. It is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body.

I Ching Astrology Human Design Gene Keys Female Profile by Nathalie Strassburg

Female version. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Astrology Human Design Gene Keys Male Profile by Nathalie Strassburg

Male version.You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

The Report

The report is around 14 pages in a PDF that can be printed on A4/US Letter paper. It contains a two to three page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme of your design, and then each of the I Ching activations from your birth chart.

It includes the I Ching Hexagram, Number, Theme, and life lesson with a brief explanation, along with the astrology elements, the theme, and what they represent: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). Order Here.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report Preview

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report explanation with description

The I Ching Spectrum Calendar

I Ching Spectrum Calendar Poster by Nathalie Strassburg

The I Ching Spectrum Calendar is great for wall art, as a tool for self-development, light alignment, increasing your awareness, and expanding your consciousness on a daily basis. It is available for purchase, and you will receive three high resolution files: A1 (594 x 841mm / 23.4” x 33.1”), A2, and 17″ x 22″. The I Ching calendar poster is available in landscape/horizontal, and portrait/vertical versions.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

The Spectrum I Ching is designed by Nathalie Strassburg. The foundation is the 4 Primary aspects of ourselves: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. The 8 parts of ourselves that we unify on the path to self-realization are: Instinctive, Tribal, Emotional, Rational, Achiever, Ecological, Integrated, and Holistic. The parts of ourselves are represented by the 8 trigrams from the I Ching / Bagua: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. The 64 hexagrams form the spectrum of consciousness, and the lessons we master on our journey to greater fulfillment and self-realization.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-realization system by Nathalie Strassburg

I recommend further study of the I Ching, Human Design system, Gene Keys, Kabbalah, Chakras, Astrology, Psychological Archetypes, personality spectrum, Numerology, Advaita Vedanta etc.

I Ching Profiles & Products

View the I Ching Profiles and Products for sale here >>

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I Ching Astrology Birth Chart & Report

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart & Report by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction to the I Ching, Spectrum of Consciousness, Your I Ching Birth Chart & Report, I Ching Astrology, The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

Introduction to the I Ching

The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical systems, from around 800 BCE. It is a great universal model and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary (what our computers are built on) with 64 themes. In its original form it guides through the ways of nature, and provides wisdom for contemplation and insightful answers to questions.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile - I Ching Overview

The hexagrams that form the basis of the I Ching are from the Bagua, in Taoist Cosmology. It is the 8 symbols that represent the basic principles of existence. It is represented by the 8 trigrams, 8 elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. Each trigram has three lines, each line either “open” or “solid”, representing yin or yang, 0 or 1 forming binary numbers 000-111 (0 to 7).

Spectrum of Consciousness

The 64 hexagrams is a useful tool for exploring something as complex as the spectrum of human consciousness. Looking at the spectrum of consciousness through 8 primary themes makes it simpler to see a larger perspective while appreciating the subtle essence of each. Each hexagram has a name, theme, and number that is from an original sequence. For more information you can take a look at Wikipedia.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - 64 hexagrams for the learning spectrum
The 64 Hexagrams from the I Ching / Bagua. Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven

Your I Ching Birth Chart & Report

Your I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart & Report is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. Order Here.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Personalized Birth Chart design 2 - poster preview

Your birth chart and report contain your design aspects, personality, powers, gifts, uniqueness, passion, life tasks, possibilities, destiny and keys for life fulfillment.

Includes: Your I Ching Report +- 14 page PDF (1mb) with a two page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme and aspects of your design. You can also order the chart without the report. Your I Ching birth chart poster printable JPG file. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive a 10 page introduction I Ching Astrology information booklet PDF (2mb) and a 20% Discount Voucher for all the products in the Self-Realization category.  Please see the product images for more details.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart vertical Poster product for sale

The I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart poster is available in a landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) design. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

The report is around 14 pages in a PDF that can be printed on A4/US Letter paper. It contains a two to three page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme of your design, and then each of the I Ching activations from your birth chart. It includes the I Ching Hexagram, Number, Theme, and life lesson with a brief explanation, along with the astrology elements, the theme, and what they represent: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Read more about I Ching Astrology below.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Personalized Birth Chart design 2 - with report

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report explanation with description

The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Astrology

Astrological elements in the profile and birth chart include: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. You can order a profile or birth chart poster, with or without the report. It is the same information just presented in a different way.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - astrological elements

These elements are energetic themes that are imprinted on our energy body, and include our Personality (traditional star sign from the position of the Sun), Design (from the incarnation cross formed by the positions of the Earth and Sun), emotional Influence from the Moon, our Destiny (North Node), our Gifts (South Node). Below is a detailed list of each astrological element, and what they represent.

Sun represents a personality trait we have come to learn to master. Personality is a key aspect of the design of your conscious awareness.

Earth represents the subconscious influence in your design. Design is a primary feature of your subconscious awareness.

Moon represents the subtle influence in your design. Influence is a key to your well-being.

North Node represents your destiny, the future, and the unknown. Destiny is a key theme to your fulfillment, and personal success.

South Node represents gifts, skills, and abilities we already have. Gifts are primary abilities that you can integrate, and rely on for your authentic fulfillment.

Mercury represents our mental theme, communication, and intelligence: Mind is a key aspect of your life path, and the way you are designed to interact with the world.

Venus represents attraction, relationships, love, beauty and harmony: Attraction is an aspect of your design that will draw others to you.

Mars represents our desires, courage and action. Passion is your soul’s desire and a key element to your authentic joy.

Jupiter represents our abundance, an area of growth, prosperity and potential. Abundance is a source of your inner wisdom.

Saturn represents responsibility, structure and aspiration. Task is the theme of your primary life assignments.

Uranus represents our uniqueness, an area for excellence and expansion. Uniqueness is one of your key areas for self-development.

Neptune represents imagination, possibilities, intuition, and creative power. This Secret Power is a hidden aspect of your design that wants to be uncovered.

Pluto represents power, transformation, evolution, life & death, cycles, change, expansion. Your Power is one of your powerful gifts that will help you succeed.

The positions of the earth and sun create the primary birth cross (color framed on the profile). The profiles contain both the conscious personality (dark grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report) and the subconscious design (light grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report). The subconscious design aspects come from the location of the elements 3 months prior to birth when major brain development takes place, and usually reflect aspects that may be more challenging to integrate.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - incarnation cross

The I Ching Birth Chart contains all the astrological elements from your birth date, time, and location. They are color coded to the I Ching and include the primary theme for each of the astrological elements. The birth chart, profiles, and reports are personalized and take up to 3 business days to complete. The birth chart is a tool for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - example

The profiles, birth charts, and reports are compatible with the Human Design and Gene Keys systems. The placement of the hexagrams on the 360 degree astrological birth chart comes from the Human Design system developed around 1989 after Ra Uru Hu / Alan (Robert) Krakower had a mystical experience where he received the information from a voice over the course of a few days, and then studied and tested it before sharing the information as the Human Design system. The Human Design and Gene Keys system (developed by Richard Rudd) are great tools for self-development, they have helped many people, including myself, with self-discovery, and the process of deconditioning. It can be complicated for some, and take a few years to fully understand and apply it.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Birth Chart - binary energy flow

I believe working directly with the I Ching is a simpler way of integrating the information, and expanding our self-awareness. The profiles, birth charts, and reports are great as an introduction to the concepts. My personal journey has shown me the power that these systems and the I Ching have for self-discovery, it has affected my being, and every aspect of my life. My own process of transformation has inspired the Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization system I developed.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization is designed by Nathalie Strassburg. The foundation is the 4 Primary aspects of ourselves: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. The 8 parts of ourselves that we unify on the path to self-realization are: Instinctive, Tribal, Emotional, Rational, Achiever, Ecological, Integrated, and Holistic. The parts of ourselves are represented by the 8 trigrams from the I Ching / Bagua: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. The 64 hexagrams form the spectrum of consciousness, and the lessons we master on our journey to greater fulfillment and self-realization.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-realization system by Nathalie Strassburg

View the Self-Realization Course, Books, and Products here >>

Intuitive Geometry & the I Ching

Intuitive Geometry Method Icons

The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. Intuitive Geometry is a universal model based on the fundamental patterns of life, similar to the I Ching, and it is a framework for an infinite number of projects. I believe the Intuitive Geometry system is a great educational tool because we learn so much easier with colors and patterns.

The Spectrum I Ching Intuitive Geometry art by Nathalie Strassburg

I recommend further study of the I Ching, Human Design system, Gene Keys, Kabbalah, Chakras, Astrology, Psychological Archetypes, personality spectrum, Numerology, Advaita Vedanta, A Course in Miracles etc.

I Ching Products

View the I Ching Profiles and Products for sale here >>

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I Ching Personalized Profile & Report

Spectrum I Ching Personalized Astrology Profile and Report by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction to the I Ching, Spectrum of Consciousness, Your Personalized I Ching Profile & Report, I Ching Astrology, The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization, I Ching Products: Profiles, Cards, Posters

Introduction to the I Ching

The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical systems, from around 800 BCE. It is a great universal model and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary (what our computers are built on) with 64 themes. In its original form it guides through the ways of nature, and provides wisdom for contemplation and insightful answers to questions.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile - I Ching Overview

The hexagrams that form the basis of the I Ching are from the Bagua, in Taoist Cosmology. It is the 8 symbols that represent the basic principles of existence. It is represented by the 8 trigrams, 8 elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. Each trigram has three lines, each line either “open” or “solid”, representing yin or yang, 0 or 1 forming binary numbers 000-111 (0 to 7).

Spectrum of Consciousness

The 64 hexagrams is a useful tool for exploring something as complex as the spectrum of human consciousness. Looking at the spectrum of consciousness through 8 primary themes makes it simpler to see a larger perspective while appreciating the subtle essence of each. Each hexagram has a name, theme, and number that is from an original sequence. For more information you can take a look at Wikipedia.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - 64 hexagrams for the learning spectrum
The 64 Hexagrams from the I Ching / Bagua. Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven

Your Personalized I Ching Profile & Report

Your I Ching Personalized Profile & Report is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. Order Here.

Your personalized profile and report contain your design aspects, personality, powers, gifts, uniqueness, passion, life tasks, possibilities, destiny and keys for life fulfillment.

Includes: Your Personalized I Ching +- 14 Page PDF report (1mb) with a two page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme of your design. Your I Ching Profile Poster printable JPG file: You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. Please see the product images for the examples, there is a female and male version. Please see the product images for more details.

I Ching Astrology Human Design Gene Keys Female Profile by Nathalie Strassburg

Female version. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Astrology Human Design Gene Keys Male Profile by Nathalie Strassburg

Male version. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

The report is around 14 pages in a PDF that can be printed on A4/US Letter paper. It contains a two to three page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme of your design, and then each of the I Ching activations from your profile. It includes the I Ching Hexagram, Number, Theme, and life lesson with a brief explanation, along with the astrology elements, the theme, and what they represent: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Read more about I Ching Astrology below.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report Preview

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report explanation with description

The report is a tool for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Astrology

Astrological elements in the profile and birth chart include: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. You can order a profile or birth chart poster, with or without the report. It is the same information just presented in a different way.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - astrological elements

These elements are energetic themes that are imprinted on our energy body, and include our Personality (traditional star sign from the position of the Sun), Design (from the incarnation cross formed by the positions of the Earth and Sun), emotional Influence from the Moon, our Destiny (North Node), our Gifts (South Node). Below is a detailed list of each astrological element, and what they represent.

Sun represents a personality trait we have come to learn to master. Personality is a key aspect of the design of your conscious awareness.

Earth represents the subconscious influence in your design. Design is a primary feature of your subconscious awareness.

Moon represents the subtle influence in your design. Influence is a key to your well-being.

North Node represents your destiny, the future, and the unknown. Destiny is a key theme to your fulfillment, and personal success.

South Node represents gifts, skills, and abilities we already have. Gifts are primary abilities that you can integrate, and rely on for your authentic fulfillment.

Mercury represents our mental theme, communication, and intelligence: Mind is a key aspect of your life path, and the way you are designed to interact with the world.

Venus represents attraction, relationships, love, beauty and harmony: Attraction is an aspect of your design that will draw others to you.

Mars represents our desires, courage and action. Passion is your soul’s desire and a key element to your authentic joy.

Jupiter represents our abundance, an area of growth, prosperity and potential. Abundance is a source of your inner wisdom.

Saturn represents responsibility, structure and aspiration. Task is the theme of your primary life assignments.

Uranus represents our uniqueness, an area for excellence and expansion. Uniqueness is one of your key areas for self-development.

Neptune represents imagination, possibilities, intuition, and creative power. This Secret Power is a hidden aspect of your design that wants to be uncovered.

Pluto represents power, transformation, evolution, life & death, cycles, change, expansion. Your Power is one of your powerful gifts that will help you succeed.

The positions of the earth and sun create the primary birth cross (color framed on the profile). The profiles contain both the conscious personality (dark grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report) and the subconscious design (light grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report). The subconscious design aspects come from the location of the elements 3 months prior to birth when major brain development takes place, and usually reflect aspects that may be more challenging to integrate.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - incarnation cross

The I Ching Birth Chart contains all the astrological elements from your birth date, time, and location. They are color coded to the I Ching and include the primary theme for each of the astrological elements. The birth chart, profiles, and reports are personalized custom designs and take up to 3 business days to complete.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - example

The profiles, birth charts, and reports are compatible with the Human Design and Gene Keys systems. The placement of the hexagrams on the 360 degree astrological birth chart comes from the Human Design system developed around 1989 after Ra Uru Hu / Alan (Robert) Krakower had a mystical experience where he received the information from a voice over the course of a few days, and then studied and tested it before sharing the information as the Human Design system. The Human Design and Gene Keys system (developed by Richard Rudd) are great tools for self-development, they have helped many people, including myself, with self-discovery, and the process of deconditioning. It can be complicated for some, and take a few years to fully understand and apply it.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Birth Chart - binary energy flow

I believe working directly with the I Ching is a simpler way of integrating the information, and expanding our self-awareness. The profiles, birth charts, and reports are great as an introduction to the concepts. My personal journey has shown me the power that these systems and the I Ching have for self-discovery, it has affected my being, and every aspect of my life. My own process of transformation has inspired the Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization system I developed.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization is designed by Nathalie Strassburg. The foundation is the 4 Primary aspects of ourselves: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. The 8 parts of ourselves that we unify on the path to self-realization are: Instinctive, Tribal, Emotional, Rational, Achiever, Ecological, Integrated, and Holistic. The parts of ourselves are represented by the 8 trigrams from the I Ching / Bagua: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. The 64 hexagrams form the spectrum of consciousness, and the lessons we master on our journey to greater fulfillment and self-realization.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-realization system by Nathalie Strassburg

View the Self-Realization Course, Books, and Products here >>

Intuitive Geometry & the I Ching

Intuitive Geometry Method Icons

The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. Intuitive Geometry is a universal model based on the fundamental patterns of life, similar to the I Ching, and it is a framework for an infinite number of projects. I believe the Intuitive Geometry system is a great educational tool because we learn so much easier with colors and patterns.

The Spectrum I Ching Intuitive Geometry art by Nathalie Strassburg

I recommend further study of the I Ching, Human Design system, Gene Keys, Kabbalah, Chakras, Astrology, Psychological Archetypes, personality spectrum, Numerology, Advaita Vedanta, A Course in Miracles etc.

I Ching Products

View the I Ching Profiles and Products for sale here >>

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Intuitive Geometry Art: Drawing with overlapping circles

Intuitive Geometry Art by Nathalie Strassburg - Drawing with overlapping circles

SHORTCUTS: Introduction, The Book, Art Videos

The Intuitive Geometry method is a set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. The method was created by Nathalie Strassburg over a period of several years after she had an inspiring vision of a large geometric drawing.

Overlapping circles geometry image showing the Intuitive Geometry method

Overlapping circles have been studied since ancient times. Two overlapping circles create the almond shape called the vesica pisces from which we can make basic geometric shapes. The intuitive geometry method has expanded on these basic foundations, commonly referred to as Sacred Geometry, and now includes spirals, waves and scaling. Once you master the method’s 8 principles (circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, spirals, waves, scaling) you can apply them intuitively and draw anything. The book (and e-book) contains step by step instructions, step by step examples and example art.

Intuitive Geometry overlapping circles grid showing various geometries

Make a donation. Buy the Intuitive Geometry books, including the Paperback from Amazon, Hardcover from Amazon, the E-Book from or Amazon. You can also buy printable E-Books, including the Printable Workbook, coloring books, notebooks, and journals.

Intuitive Geometry Art Videos

Nathalie Strassburg is a South African designer, artist, author, gardener, and human transformation enthusiast. She is trained in art, digital design, marketing, NLP, Life Coaching and continues to expand her knowledge with new courses and reading every year. She has more than 20 years of freelance design experience specializing in branding.

Intuitive Geometry is not just about drawing, it is about developing our intuition and learning the fundamental structure of life. Practicing the use of overlapping circles affects our consciousness on all levels, and our ability to become more powerful creators in this world. – Nathalie Strassburg

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Intuitive Geometry: Commissioned Artwork

Intuitive Geometry: Drawing with overlapping circles Commissioned Artwork by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction, Commissioned Artwork, Sizes and Prices, Terms and Conditions

The Intuitive Geometry method is a set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. The method was created by Nathalie Strassburg over a period of several years after she had an inspiring vision of a large geometric drawing. This article explains her approach to commissioned artwork, prices, and the terms. Custom Images and Designs based on existing artwork are also available.

The website went live around 2019, and the book (and e-book) was published in 2021. You can buy the book (and e-book) , learn online, buy teaching aids, images and coloring images. She is currently working on a new art collection, the coloring book, journals, notebooks, and a new book on self-empowerment.

Intuitive Geometry is not just about drawing, it is about developing our intuition and learning the fundamental structure of life. Practicing the use of overlapping circles affects our consciousness on all levels, and our ability to become more powerful creators in this world. – Nathalie Strassburg

Overlapping circles geometry image showing the Intuitive Geometry method

Commissioned Artwork

Intuitive Geometry is something Nathalie believes is a gift to all of us. For this reason she made it possible for anyone to learn the method for free online, so that location and income did not prevent anyone from learning it. She also makes images and line art of the original artworks available for purchase at a relatively low cost for personal use so that it is accessible as inspiring wall art, coloring, teaching aids, gifts, tattoos and other personal projects.

Artworks are generally produced in a large size so that they are in high resolution and can be reproduced in prints and on products (currently through Fine Art America with a 30 day money back guarantee). Large artworks take time to produce because in order to achieve the Intuitive Geometry coloring effect it takes many layers of coloring. The large artworks that are 620 x 1500 mm / 25.2″ × 59″ take up to a month to produce because Nathalie also manages her websites, books, self-sufficient home, and a large garden with many fruits, berries, nuts, medicinal, and other plants.

Because the artworks take so much time to produce Nathalie decided it is in the best interest of everyone if she does not produce exclusive commissions. She believes that any artwork that is produced should be shared with everyone because they serve as an example of the method.

Artwork Sizes and Prices

Size 1: 620 x up to 1500 mm / 25.2 × 59″ Color Pencils and Graphite on 200gsm top quality paper that is acid free and age resistant. Price: $2000 (US Dollar). See an example: Original Intuitive Geometry Spectrum Spiral Water Art. Time to produce: About 28 business days.

Size 2: 750 x 600 mm / 29.5 × 23.6″ Color Pencils and Graphite on 200gsm top quality paper that is acid free and age resistant. Price: $720 (US Dollar). See an example: Original Bougainvillea flower with steps Art. Time to produce: About 14 business days.

Size 3: 500 x 500 mm / 19,7 x 19,7″ Color Pencils and Graphite on 200gsm top quality paper that is acid free and age resistant. Price: $340 (US Dollar). See an example: Original Cubes Spectrum Geometry Art. Time to produce: About 10 business days.

Artwork Terms & Conditions

Nathalie reserves the right to change the price if the work is more detailed, will take more time, if it is for extensive commercial use, or if the location of the buyer is overwhelmingly affected by the currency exchange.

Prices are in US Dollars ($). You will receive a quote and invoice for a commissioned artwork. Payment is either 100% upfront (preferred), or 50% before work begins and 50% before the artwork high-resolution files are sent. Optional work such as designs, posters, labels or other graphic design work is completed separately after payment.

Delivery Option 1: High Resolution Scan Only. The high resolution 300dpi JPG format image is sent via email or if the file is too large we will use a service like Dropbox or WeTransfer. We will make the original artwork available for sale, and make the image version available for sale through our websites for personal use only. Nathalie reserves the right to give a discount for this option. Nathalie will consider special requests for the sale of the original artwork, for example if the funds from the sale should be donated for a specific use or cause.

Delivery Option 2: The original artwork is sent with a courier. Please see our current Payment, Shipping and Store Policy. You may be liable for taxes on the product in your own country. Any fees will be your responsibility. We will make the image version available for sale through our websites for personal use only.

Payment Options: Please see our current Payment, Shipping and Store Policy.

Promotions: Commissioned artworks may be used on our websites, social media, books, articles, and exhibitions to promote the Intuitive Geometry method.

Store Policy: No Return, No Refund Policy. Original artwork, books or any other products are carefully packaged, and sent with a reliable courier. We work hard to ensure accuracy and efficiency, but mistakes and errors may occur. Refunds may be issued in the case of error such as duplicate payments.

Please contact Nathalie with any questions.

Intuitive Geometry overlapping circles grid showing various geometries
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Intuitive Geometry: Drawing with overlapping circles

Intuitive Geometry - Drawing with overlapping circles by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction, The Book, Method Video, Learn Intuitive Geometry Online, How to draw using the Intuitive Geometry Method, Free Designs & Resources

The Intuitive Geometry method is a set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. The method was created by Nathalie Strassburg over a period of several years after she had an inspiring vision of a large geometric drawing. The website went live around 2019, and the book (and e-book) was published in 2021. She is currently working on a new art collection and books.

Overlapping circles geometry image showing the Intuitive Geometry method

Nathalie believes Intuitive Geometry is a gift to all of us. For this reason she made it possible for anyone to learn the method for free online, so that location and income did not prevent anyone from learning it. She also makes images and line art of the original artworks available for purchase at a relatively low cost for personal use so that it is accessible for teaching and personal projects. Read more about Commissioned Artworks.

Make a donation. Buy the Intuitive Geometry books, including the Paperback from Amazon, Hardcover from Amazon, the E-Book from or Amazon. You can also buy printable E-Books, including the Printable Workbook, coloring books, notebooks, and journals.

Intuitive Geometry is not just about drawing, it is about developing our intuition and learning the fundamental structure of life. Practicing the use of overlapping circles affects our consciousness on all levels, and our ability to become more powerful creators in this world. – Nathalie Strassburg

Nathalie Strassburg is a South African designer, artist, author, gardener, and human transformation enthusiast. She is trained in art, digital design, marketing, NLP, Life Coaching and continues to expand her knowledge with new courses and reading every year. She has more than 20 years of freelance design experience specializing in branding.

Intuitive Geometry overlapping circles grid showing various geometries

Overlapping circles have been studied since ancient times. Two overlapping circles create the almond shape called the vesica pisces from which we can make basic geometric shapes. The intuitive geometry method has expanded on these basic foundations, commonly referred to as Sacred Geometry, and now includes spirals, waves and scaling. Once you master the method’s 8 principles (circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, spirals, waves, scaling) you can apply them intuitively and draw anything. The book (and e-book) contains step by step instructions, step by step examples and example art.

Intuitive Geometry Method Video

Learn the Intuitive Geometry Method Online


Intuitive Geometry Circle

Overlapping seven circles with the same radius creates 6 equal divisions. You can continue this division to create 12, 24, 48, 96, 192… radial divisions. Learn the circle with step by step instructions >


Intuitive Geometry Square

Overlapping four circles with the same radius creates a square. Overlapping squares create 4, 8, 16, 32, 64… radial divisions. Learn the square with step by step instructions >


Intuitive Geometry Triangle

Overlapping two circles with the same radius creates the first triangle. Overlapping three can create a triangle twice the size. Overlapping six circles creates various possibilities including the five regular solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron. Learn the triangle with step by step instructions >


Intuitive Geometry Hexagon

Overlapping six circles with the same radius creates two different hexagons. Hexagonal tiling is efficient because it has minimal boundary lines – honeycomb is a great example of this. Learn the hexagon with step by step instructions >


Intuitive Geometry Pentagon

There is more than one way you can draw the pentagon. Overlapping pentagons create 10, 20, 40, 80, 160… radial divisions. Learn the pentagon with step by step instructions >


Intuitive Geometry Spirals

Overlapping circles become the guides for creating any type of spiral. For equally spaced spirals you move one circle for every arch. For growing spirals you move double the number of circles for every new arch. You can create custom spirals to suit your designs. Learn spirals with step by step instructions >


Overlapping circles create the guides for drawing waves. Different scales of overlapping circles create infinite possibilities for custom wave designs. Waves are universal patterns of light, electricity, sound, wind etc. Learn waves with step by step instructions >


Intuitive Geometry Scaling

Scaling is the secret to drawing anything with overlapping circles. The patterns of life are circles within circles and universally scale in steps: down half the size or up double in size. Learn scaling with step by step instructions >

How to draw using the Intuitive Geometry Method

Learn how to apply the method: How to draw Bees, Butterflies, Flowers (3 fold), Flowers (4 fold), Flowers (5 fold), Human Body, Human Eye, Human Face, Snowflakes, Spiders.

Overlapping circles geometry image showing the Intuitive Geometry method

Free Designs & Resources

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The Future 2022 and Beyond

The Future 2022 and Beyond by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: What is going on? What is the greater purpose? How can we prepare ourselves? Some Ideas

We are living in an interesting time with many changes around us. There is a greater purpose to all that is happening. The best strategy is to align ourselves with the pattern that we are in so that we can flow with the changes and experience harmony, peace and prosperity regardless of what is going on in the world.

What is going on?

So what is going on? We are in the early stages of a longer term cycle to remedy underlying energetic stagnation through the tension of transformation. We can already see greater instability in nearly all areas of our lives. Political, social and economical instability are the physical manifestations of the energetic changes that are happening. The majority of social, political and economical systems are going through a period of decay and change that will continue as we move towards something that is more sustainable.

What is the greater purpose?

What is the greater purpose of it? We are entering into a time that will allow for reflection, greater sensitivity, greater awareness, and healing of the unresolved trauma and emotional energy that is a part of our evolutionary journey and the underlying cause of the trouble we see in individuals, our relationships, and communities. These changes will allow us to become more sustainable within ourselves, and create a more sustainable world.

How can we prepare ourselves?

The best way to prepare ourselves is through the perspective we choose to have. Unsustainable ways will not work anymore. We can see this as an opportunity to create the kind of world we want to live in, from where we are, and what we are capable of. This is not something that will be lead by governments or large organizations, it will come from individuals, an inner revolution, because we are the vehicles through which consciousness transforms.

The kind of perspective that embraces change includes equanimity, optimism, using the tension of transformation and allowing change to occur within us, and in our lives by making any changes we can to our lifestyle that make things simpler and easier.

Additional useful articles to read: The Process of Transformation,  The Spectrum of Spirit ConsciousnessThe Spectrum of Gender – Feminine & Masculine ExpressionsThe Spectrum of Experience – How we Create our Subjective RealityThe Future 2022 and BeyondUnify Consciousness – The spectrum of the selfThe Spectrum of the Emotional Body..

Some Ideas

Reduce unsustainable spending, save money, plan ahead, make the changes necessary to live simpler, and rely less on money.

Invest in your home, create the kind of home that you love to be in.

Take care of your body by doing some regular exercise and eating as healthy as you can (vegetables, fruits, herbs).

Embrace the Tension of Transformation, and the Process of Transformation.

Balance your feminine and masculine hormones and expressions so they are in harmony with your body.

Release any destructive addictions and pleasure seeking habits, these hold a tremendous amount of power from us. Releasing them is self-empowering.

Master your Desires – Rest the mind and senses.

Take care of your emotional well-being. Do shadow work, learn to see the world from a metaphysical perspective, and learn how to use your dreams to guide you to greater awareness.

Learn the Art of Self-Love.

Cultivate a growth mindset, and release thoughts and beliefs of victimization.

Understand the Spectrum of Relationships, commit to compatible relationships, and let go of people who are not compatible so that the right people can find each other.

If possible, grow a garden with some basic herbs, fruits and vegetables. You can also join others or create community gardens. Creating a garden is a powerful alchemical process that will transform you from the inside.

Become more self-sufficient so that you travel less, and require less imports and goods that come from far away.

Rely less on governments and organizations that are unsustainable.

Invest some of your energy in your community and neighbors.

Find a higher purpose to live for by following your authentic joy. Money and pleasure are not sustainable purposes.

Spend more time doing activities that are uplifting and nourishing, for example: art (you can learn Intuitive Geometry), dancing, playing, spending time outside, talking about uplifting subjects, reading about people and subjects that are inspiring, watching educational media, walking in nature, gardening, writing, meditating, making or listening to uplifting music, dreaming, relaxing, and being still.

Learn to relax and be still. Excessive thinking and activities are a reflection of the energetic instabilities, learn to bring your energetic system into greater coherence and equilibrium through your breath and focusing your awareness on one thing.

Develop your intuitive abilities, it is life’s intelligence guiding you. Science shows us that our intuitive abilities rely on the degree of coherence we can embody.

Learn to appreciate yourself, life as it is, nature, animals and the people around you.

Release any grievances, and practice forgiveness and compassion.

Create daily practices that bring inner peace such as contemplation, affirmations, and gratitude.

Expand your consciousness by integrating new ideas, letting go of old beliefs and limiting ideas that do not serve you or bring you joy. Expand your awareness of the Spectrum of Spirit Consciousness.

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Intuitive Geometry Method 8 Scaling

Intuitive Geometry - Drawing with overlapping circles Method 8 Scaling by Nathalie Strassburg

QUICK LINKS:  About, ArtBooksImages for saleLine Art for sale, Learn the method online with step by step instructions: CircleSquareTriangleHexagonPentagonSpiralsWavesScaling. Learn how to apply the method: How to draw BeesButterfliesFlowers (3 fold)Flowers (4 fold)Flowers (5 fold)Human BodyHuman EyeHuman FaceSnowflakesSpiders.

Intuitive Geometry is not just about drawing, it is about developing our intuition and learning the fundamental structure of life. Practicing the use of overlapping circles affects our consciousness on all levels, and our ability to become more powerful creators in this world. – Nathalie Strassburg

The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. Below are the step by step instructions for universal scaling.

Make a donation. Buy the Intuitive Geometry books, including the Paperback from Amazon, Hardcover from Amazon, the E-Book from or Amazon. You can also buy printable E-Books, including the Printable Workbook, coloring books, notebooks, and journals.

Scaling with step by step instructions

Intuitive Geometry Method Scaling Fig 1

At any point draw a circle of any size. Find any point on the circumference and draw a circle with the same radius (AB). Continue around drawing a circle at any new intersection on the circumference and you will create 6 divisions.

Intuitive Geometry Method Scaling Fig 2

Connect A & B, extend the line to find D and mark it.
With centre A & radius AD draw a circle twice the size of the first one.

Intuitive Geometry Method Scaling Fig 3

Find E. Connect C & E to find F. With centre A and radius AF draw a circle half the size of the first one. Draw a circle with centre F & radius FB.

Intuitive Geometry Method Scaling Fig 4

Find, Mark and connect G & H. Find & mark I. Draw a circle with centre I & radius IF. You can continue this method indefinitely.

Intuitive Geometry Method Scaling Fig 5

Intuitive Geometry Method Scaling Fig 6

Intuitive Geometry Posts

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Intuitive Geometry Method 7 Waves

Intuitive Geometry - Drawing with overlapping circles Method 7 Waves by Nathalie Strassburg

QUICK LINKS:  About, ArtBooksImages for saleLine Art for sale, Learn the method online with step by step instructions: CircleSquareTriangleHexagonPentagonSpiralsWavesScaling. Learn how to apply the method: How to draw BeesButterfliesFlowers (3 fold)Flowers (4 fold)Flowers (5 fold)Human BodyHuman EyeHuman FaceSnowflakesSpiders.

Intuitive Geometry is not just about drawing, it is about developing our intuition and learning the fundamental structure of life. Practicing the use of overlapping circles affects our consciousness on all levels, and our ability to become more powerful creators in this world. – Nathalie Strassburg

The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. Below are the step by step instructions for waves.

Make a donation. Buy the Intuitive Geometry books, including the Paperback from Amazon, Hardcover from Amazon, the E-Book from or Amazon. You can also buy printable E-Books, including the Printable Workbook, coloring books, notebooks, and journals.

Waves with step by step instructions

Intuitive Geometry Method Waves Fig 1

At any point (A) draw a circle of any size. Find any point on the circumference (B) and draw a circle with the same radius (AB). Continue around drawing a circle at any new intersection (C etc.) on the circumference and you will create 6 divisions.

Intuitive Geometry Method Waves Fig 2

Find points D & E, connect them with a straight line to divide the circle in half.

Intuitive Geometry Method Waves Fig 3

Find & mark F & G. Extend DE. Draw a circle with centre G and radius GA.
With the same radius continue drawing new circles on the new intersections H, I, J etc. You can now draw the wave by using the circles as guides.

Intuitive Geometry Method Waves Fig 3

To scale the wave smaller: Find K, L, M, N & mark them. Connect K & M and extend the line. Connect C & N and extend the line. Connect L & B, Find and mark O. With centre A and radius AO draw a circle. With the same radius continue drawing circles on the new intersections P, Q, R, S etc. You can now draw the wave by using the smaller circles as guides. You can continue the wave indefinitely.

Intuitive Geometry Posts
