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Beyond Projection & Shadow Work

Beyond Projection and Shadow Work Title Image with Geometry Drawing

Beyond Projection & Shadow Work: Introduction, Ego Consciousness, The Voice of the Lower Mind, The Voice of the Higher Mind, The Two Voices, Understanding Projection & Shadow Work, Transcending Projection, The Plan for Enlightenment, and Recommended Reading.


Projection is the psychological phenomenon that underlies all interactions and perceptions in ego consciousness. Shadow Work is the practice of becoming aware of the phenomenon of projection and integrating the awareness.

Projection is the mechanism through which the ego disowns aspects of itself by projecting or seeing it in other egos. The ego is inherently unstable and changeable because it’s a temporary phenomenon that has no fundamental reality.

Ego Consciousness

Ego consciousness is the dimension of the thought and experience of separation from our Source. All expressions of consciousness are the domain of duality that originated with the thought of separation or the Big Bang. Everything within this temporary universe is the mental phenomenon of the thought of separation, which organizes itself into time intervals, degrees, dimensions, frequencies, and forms.

Part of this phenomenon are the seemingly individual minds that appear in various dimensions and forms. These individual minds reflect the idea (the mental thought) of separation, and they are the questioning aspect of the one divided mind. They experience duality in their own mind as the voice of the lower mind and Higher Self, or Higher Mind.

The Voice of the Lower Mind

The voice of the lower self, or ego, is the separated aspect that is based on the thought system of fear, pain, guilt, sin, judgment, attack, and every thought perception, or apparent experience that is the inevitable confusion and doubt that arises from the idea of being separate. The ego’s only goal is its own survival because, perceiving itself as separate, it cannot know wholeness, or unity.

The Voice of the Higher Mind

The voice of the Higher Self, or the Higher Mind, is the aspect that is connected to our Source, because complete separation is impossible. The voice of the Higher Self is the connected aspect that is based on the thought system of love, joy, and unity consciousness.

The illusion of separation is like a dream state, and the voice of our Higher Self is the inner guide and intuition that guides us back to rejoin our minds as one. Every single seemingly individual mind in every plane and dimension in all this universe is on this same dream journey, at various time intervals, to various degrees, and we all have one goal and one purpose, to return our mind to our one mind.

The state of One-mindedness is also called Enlightenment. This is our collective destiny that has already been completed, it just appears as if we are each experiencing it in our own timelines. Time collapses as each mind rejoins, and whenever it does anything to reduce the time it needs for the process by listening to the instructions from the Higher Mind to rejoin.

Time will end when we rejoin our Source in timelessness because there will no longer be any need for anything related to the thought of separation, including duality, and time. We return to a state of non-dualism.

The Two Voices

The two voices and their thought systems are irreconcilable. They do not recognize, hear, or validate each other in any way, they are in opposition, they are the duality.

The process of personal transformation and psychological integration that is part of psychotherapy, self-realization, and self-actualization is the step-by-step process to healing the divided mind by accessing the voice of the Higher Self and remembering who and what we are, as part of our source.

Enlightenment is the result of psychological integration and complete release of the ego’s thought system. The state of Enlightenment is One-mindedness where we only hear and listen to the voice of our Higher Self. In this state we transcend the belief in illusions and listen to the voice as it guides us to fulfill our part and purpose in rejoining our minds.

Understanding Projection & Shadow Work

Understanding Projection and Shadow is the first part of the process in recognizing the unreality of the ego and duality consciousness. It can also become a trap because the ego’s only possible desire is for its own survival, because of the fear associated with separation. It cannot understand Enlightenment and it will fear it because it appears to be its undoing, which it is. There is no end to projection for the ego because that is what it is. Once we understand the nature of the ego, we stop trying to integrate it into something it cannot be.

Transcending Projection

Transcending Projection is the process of giving up all investment in the ego’s thought system. In every moment we make a choice between listening to the voice of the ego, or lower mind, and the voice of our Higher Self, or Higher Mind.

There are two parts to this process. The first is true forgiveness. True forgiveness is the accurate response to the awareness of projection because it clears our mental field of the psychological debris associated with the belief in appearances and seemingly separate bodies and minds. To forgive truly simply state that you recognize what is happening is a projection, or ego consciousness, which you now know is a mental illusion, and being unreal you forgive the phenomenon and all you may have associated with it, like it never occurred in the first place.

The second part of the process in transcending projection is the extension of Truth. The extension of Truth is the recognition that any apparent separate mind or body is a part of your one mind and that these are our equal parts, with one Source. This Truth is beyond belief because it is only in duality, or ego consciousness where beliefs are needed due to the inherent instability and uncertainty of the mental phenomenon.

The voice of our Higher Self only speaks for this Truth, love, joy, and unity. As the psychological debris are cleared this voice becomes clearer. It responds to us in every way, but it cannot relate to anything that is not part of the plan to return to one mind. When you ask it then it can translate what you think you perceive into Truth. It communicates without demands and any fear or other ideas that represent the division of fear like guilt, sin, pain, attack, anger, and judgement. It will also teach you how to be vigilant so that you will know the Truth of your Self, and everything we have inherited from our Source. To be vigilant means to always ask what the purpose is of any choice, or action, and if it is in accord with the Higher Mind. Anything in accord with the Higher Mind will be the experience of Truth, love, joy, and unity.

The Plan for Enlightenment

The voice of our Higher Mind or Higher Self knows every seemingly individual mind because it is it. It operates outside of the limitations of duality, time, and space. It recollected itself the instant of the thought of separation. What we experience is the idea of the return to One-Mindedness, which appears to be a plan orchestrated in time and space to help us find our Self, and heal our Mind, like a movie or a dream.

Every seemingly individual mind will find its way back, and each one has its own unique part and timeline to this Destiny. Fulfilling this purpose is the only that that brings true authentic happiness and lasting peace.

As we withdraw our investment and belief in ego consciousness and the dimension of separation, we receive all the guidance and evidence we need to motivate us beyond anything the ego could ever be capable of or conceive.

To join the plan, you must simply be willing to listen, learn, and do what is in accordance with our Higher Mind. This is somethings referred to as “choice-less awareness” because your choice is always for love.

To understand this concept better you can read A Course in Miracles, the Psychotherapy and Prayer Supplements that go with it, and The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary R. Renard. There are other books that have been written on the understanding of the mind in this way that is related to A Course in Miracles, but I have not read them yet, let me know if you recommend any specific one.

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Understanding Beliefs

Understanding Beliefs by Nathalie Strassburg

A guide to understanding beliefs: Introduction, Conscious & Subconscious Beliefs, Conditioned Beliefs, Limiting Beliefs, Core Beliefs, Super Conscious Beliefs, Limiting beliefs & Unfulfilling Relationships, Empowering Beliefs, and Changing Beliefs.


Beliefs drive behavior, perception, and experiences. Beliefs are expressions of desires, and they are the thoughts and emotions that create the reality we experience. Beliefs are psychic energy that guide consciousness in every endeavor for creative fulfillment. Energetically they have nothing to do with facts, right, wrong, good, or bad. All beliefs seek fulfillment.

Every person has two sets of beliefs, those we are conscious of and those we are not aware of. Beliefs are anything we subjectively, consciously, or subconsciously, determine to be true for us, or have been conditioned to believe is true.

Beliefs determine what we desire, what we can and want to see, feel, and experience. They are the filters that our consciousness use to navigate the entire field of consciousness. Psychological phenomena like confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, a range of personality disorders, and social dysfunction is caused by limiting or unhealthy beliefs. That is why two people can literally live in the same house, but experience two completely different realities based on the beliefs they hold true, knowingly, or unknowingly.

Conscious & Subconscious Beliefs

Conscious beliefs are the beliefs we are aware of, they may be conditioned, limiting, or empowering. They are the beliefs we communicate and actively seek to fulfill. Subconscious beliefs are those we are not aware of. Subconscious beliefs are predominantly the unconscious beliefs we were conditioned with through our earliest experiences.

If we hold two conflicting beliefs, conscious and subconscious, the strongest belief will override the other, usually the subconscious ones because they have been operating for a longer time. We know when this is happening in our life because our experiences do not reflect our conscious desires. When we are not consciously looking for feedback, desire to expand our awareness, or open to intuitive guidance, then we will overlook these events and suppress, deny, disown, or dismiss it.

Conditioned Beliefs

Cultural homogenization and social conditioning in early life is basically belief indoctrination. It is a form of complete hypnotization that society is built on. Most people never question their reality or the fundamental things they believe are true. When the basic beliefs underlying a civilization are unhealthy then we have unhealthy societies.

The process of indoctrination relies on the beliefs like if many believe something then it must be true, if someone can experience something or if science can prove its material truth then it must be true. Even if we can experience something it does not make it true for everyone, all the time, under all circumstances. The truth is that everything contains some truth because life is a psychic phenomenon. Just because a belief is shared does not make it true, or empowering. Sometimes culture will provide two opposing beliefs to create the illusion of choice, usually between two limiting beliefs.

Limiting Beliefs

To recognize limiting beliefs, we require intuitive awareness, sincere self-inquiry, and discernment. As we expand our ability to be more discerning we develop greater appreciation for the psychic nature of subjective experience.

Look at beliefs like the database we use to run our lives. Anything that does not fit into the framework we have is simply dismissed or modified to fit. To have a database that is open to change, and evolution requires beliefs that support it, that beliefs can be changed, and that we are open to discovering new things every day, etc. When we have a belief that we can discover limiting beliefs and change them or exchange them for more empowering beliefs then that is what our consciousness becomes capable of finding, experiencing, and creating. Without those core beliefs we will be stuck with the database we have.

Limiting beliefs are like weeds in a garden. They may be conscious or subconscious and can have unintentionally tragic results.

Core Beliefs

Beliefs are also fractal in nature. Some really powerful core beliefs can affect many sub-beliefs. These include beliefs like:

That I create my experience with my thoughts, intentions, beliefs, and emotions. / That I do not create my own experience of reality. (Victimlessness vs Victimization)

That there is a psychic non-material reality that is just as valid or the cause of the material reality. / That the material reality is the only true reality.

Belief in higher intelligence. / Belief that we are the expression of chaos and disorder without intelligence.

Belief that life / the universe can / cannot be trusted.

Belief that we are consciousness with a physical component. / Belief that we are just a body.

Belief in a connected universe. / Belief in a disconnected universe.

Belief that something can / cannot be understood.

Belief that something is possible / impossible.

Words like “always,” “never,” and generalizations generally point to core beliefs.

There is an entire spectrum of beliefs that govern all the lessons we learn in life.

Super Conscious Beliefs

Beyond conscious and subconscious beliefs are the beliefs that made our subjective life experience possible. The unique expression of consciousness that we are exists in the field of consciousness because of beliefs and desires. Our greater body of consciousness is aware of the entire spectrum of consciousness that we are, all probabilities, and all counterparts. It is our greater body of consciousness that can resort to orchestrating intense catalysts to attempt to bring new awareness to us.

We are a part of the evolution of consciousness, and we have a deep desire for greater awareness, that is why we have fields of education, science, religion, technology, and all endeavors that reflect a deep desire for greater awareness and understanding.

Limiting beliefs & Unfulfilling Relationships

Relationships are perhaps the most obvious place where our limiting beliefs are creating issues that dominate individual and collective experience.

For generations we have been sharing limiting beliefs about ourselves, others, the world, and life in general. Toxic relationship dynamics, unfulfilling relationships, dysfunctional relationships, and the personality coping mechanisms that come along with them are based on limiting beliefs.

Someone may consciously believe that love is a wonderful, warm, caring, supportive experience. At the same time, they can hold a subconscious belief that love is dangerous, cold, painful, and unforgiving because that is the environment they grew up in. It is so important to realize that because we can have conscious beliefs we can be completely oblivious to the subconscious beliefs, and even dismiss the idea. When we grow up in an unhealthy environment it is often so subtle even without the conscious awareness or any outright intention or abuse of the parents, caregivers, or teachers. Our life is a printout of our beliefs, and we must examine the evidence we see, and sincerely ask ourselves “What must I believe is true about love in order to be attracted to this, or to experience this?”

Our society is littered with limiting beliefs, both science and religion are fundamentally based on some limiting beliefs. To expand our consciousness, we evolve a whole new understanding of the psychic nature of consciousness and our beliefs, and how they govern every aspect of our personal lives and the collective experiences we are creating in the world.

Empowering Beliefs

Empowering beliefs are not about facts, right, wrong, good, or bad. They are beliefs that empower us as an individual to expand our awareness every day, our whole life long, and that allows for creative fulfillment in every aspect of our being: physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

Empowering beliefs are our subjective collection of inner truths that we cultivate through our own choice, experience, self-inquiry, evidence, intuition, and observation.

They are empowering because they enable us to create a life we love to live. They are the seeds that allow us to grow beautiful, healthy, and beneficial plants in our psychic garden.

Changing Beliefs

How do we change beliefs? Here are some guidelines.

Choose to sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that beliefs are changeable, regardless of what others think, say, or do, and what is considered fact, right, wrong, good, or bad.

Choose to believe that we can become consciously aware of any limiting, destructive, or sabotaging belief that obscures or limits our ability to be completely fulfilled.

Choose to believe that we are capable of being completely fulfilled in every aspect of our lives.

Choose to believe that we can instruct our subconscious mind to change, delete, update, and modify beliefs.

Take empowered actions, use empowered responses, perspectives, and thoughts to consistently and with determination reprogram ourselves in every way we can.

Instruct our consciousness to be alert for opportunities to reprogram ourselves and consciously participate in this quest every moment of every day.

Use any method available to us to become aware of and improve our belief system such as affirmations, journaling, creative writing, meditation, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness training, creative projects, singing, mantras, absorbing media and materials that support the new beliefs, let the new beliefs permeate every thought, word, action, and feeling.

Use the guide to Self-Realization to go through the psychological process of integration that is based on the 64 lessons from the I Ching that covers the spectrum of consciousness. Each lessons contains new empowering beliefs.

Take every action with the intention to create a complete system of empowering beliefs and eradicate limiting beliefs with love and compassion.

Examine every experience, thought, emotion, situation, and event from a whole new perspective, like an investigator, look at it from a psychological and symbolic perspective to understand the beliefs that are involved in every experience.

Create new empowering beliefs whenever there is an opportunity and imprint them into your subconscious through affirmations (thinking, speaking, writing, listening), and seek to find evidence that supports them in an ongoing and determined creative endeavor.

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The Body, Health & Well-being

The Body, Health & well-being by Nathalie Strassburg

An Introduction to the body as an expression of our consciousness, Defining Disease & Health, How to Respond to Disease or Discomfort, Expanding our Consciousness and Healing.


The body is the physical expression of consciousness. It is only one aspect of our greater body of consciousness. The body is a physical representation of our individual consciousness, psyche, and the personality we know ourselves as. It is a collection of parts, roles, and an energetic system of information, past, present, and future. Any discomfort or disease in the body reflects an imbalance in the psyche. The best way to tend to the body is through the psyche.

With this understanding it is clear why some individuals choose to express any imbalance through mental or physical disease. Any symptoms are forms of communication and for our benefit.

I realize that for some this may be a completely new way of thinking about the body, health, and well-being. If you are reading this then you are ready to expand your consciousness, and you will be guided to test this understanding for yourself from where you are and what you know.

For more information about the complete process of self-realization, the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of our being, and the 64 lessons we come to master in life, read A Guide to Self-Realization.

Defining Disease & Health

As the physical expression of our consciousness our mind and body will bring our attention to parts of ourselves that need attention through disease, discomfort, or illness. Disease is anything that lets us know the body is not in perfect balance. Disease in general is healthy, it is part of all the cooperative interactions that takes place that makes the physical expression possible, and for most part our body will do all the work for us as it maintains optimal health and balance in the same way it manages our breath and heartbeat.

When our body lets us know that it is struggling to do the work it is because we are interfering with its ability to heal in some way. It is only when it becomes extreme that the body or mind will manifest symptoms to bring our conscious attention to it. Now, when this happens it is up to us to respond in the most beneficial way possible to assist the body in its process. Some of us have been conditioned to do the opposite, even if we do not realize it, by reinforcing the state.

Health is the natural state of the body. It is what the body is designed to be, and it will always work for our greatest health, balance, and well-being in every way. Our responsibility is to support this state of health in every way we can through our every belief, thought, word, action, feeling, emotion, intention, and response.

How to Respond to Disease or Discomfort

When our body reaches a state where there is an imbalance that is significant enough it will alert us to it through symptoms. Symptoms are the way our individual cells come together cooperatively to communicate to the rest of the body that is wants support.

Symbolically the disease or discomfort is reflected in the most appropriate place for us. This means that where and how disease manifest is highly subjective phenomenon based on our own experience, beliefs, body of information, and ultimately our unique destiny and purpose.

The simplest way to understand and interpret the body’s communication through symptoms is to see the part that is diseased, in pain, or discomfort as a part of our psyche that is literally asking for love.

Our conscious mind may not have any idea which part of us this is, but we can still respond to it. We do this through our belief, thought, word, action, feeling, emotion, intention, and response.

Here is the format for communicating back to your body:

“Thank you for coming together to communicate with me body. Thank you for helping me learn and grow so that I can expand my consciousness in every way I can. Thank you for choosing this way to help me learn. I believe that we are one system and that as you work for my optimal health and well-being I now too will work for our collective health and well-being. Please continue to guide me in any way you can as I learn.”

“I see now that this beautiful body is one aspect of my consciousness expressing itself creatively. I now choose thoughts that bring new awareness and expanded perspectives. I want to love every part of me. I choose to fill every part of me with love in every way I can. Thank you that I can grow in love in every way every day. I now fill this part _______ of me with love in every way I can.”

“I touch this part _______ with loving hands and thoughts. I feel the love I choose to bring into my body through my conscious awareness. I now touch this part and breathe love into it. Thank you that I can breathe love into every part of me. I will take any actions I can that will empower my health and well-being in every way I can. I trust that I am guided in every way in the most beneficial ways possible. If I need the help or support of anyone, including those I believe are professional representatives for health, I will reach out to them, as symbolic representations to help me as I work through my own learning process.”

“I love the part of me that is diseased, in pain or discomfort. I love the part of me that is feeling______. Thank you that we can use this means to help me learn higher truth about the nature of consciousness and its physical expression. I love every part of me.”

“I love every part of me in every way. I am filling every part of me with love in every way through my intention to now be healthy, balanced, and well in every way. I now clear any psychological debris that I may have placed as obstacles or defenses to radiant perfect health.”

“As I am learning to expand my ability to fill myself with love, I will continue to repeat this process, embrace new beliefs, thoughts, actions, feelings, emotions, intentions, and empowered responses.”

“I love the part of me that is diseased, in pain or discomfort. I love the part of me that is feeling______. I love the parts of me that are communicating directly with me to bring health, balance, and well-being. Thank you to every part of me.”

“I fill every part of me with the highest frequencies of love, truth, and light. Bless me in every way, bless my every belief, thought, word, action, feeling, emotion, intention, and response with the highest frequencies in every way.”

Expanding our Consciousness and Healing

Expanding our consciousness and our ability to bring love into every aspect of our consciousness, including our body, is a gradual process. We can heal any part of our physical body through this process. The effectiveness relies on our intent, intensity, belief, and consistency.

The above affirmative words, thoughts, and actions can be repeated as often as possible. They are especially powerful before going to sleep, when we wake up during the night, and first thing in the morning. You can literally repeat them non-stop the whole day long.

As long as we release any contradicting beliefs, thoughts, or actions, our consciousness and body will respond to the new input, it cannot be otherwise. Depending on the part and type of disease or discomfort the healing time can vary. Realize that disease will only ever remain present, or return, if it is for our benefit, if there is still more that we can learn.

Learning through the body and disease is just one way we can learn to master our lessons and go through the process of psychological integration.

For more information about the complete process of self-realization, the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of our being, and the 64 lessons we come to master in life, read A Guide to Self-Realization.

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Understanding Spiritual Development and the Quality of Relationships

Understanding Spiritual Development and the Quality of Relationships - Article by Nathalie Strassburg

Defining Spiritual Development, Defining a Relationship that Lacks Quality, Understanding the Phenomenon of Unfulfilling Relationships, Moving the Masculine Energy into the Higher Centers, Role Mates, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Sacred Partnerships, and Quality Relationships, The Ingredients for Quality Relationships, Learn more about the full spectrum of self-realization.

Understanding spiritual development and the impact it has on the quality of relationships is a perspective on the lack of fulfilling relationships in society.

Defining Spiritual Development

Spirituality is the non-physical expressions of consciousness, and it is the source of all physical expressions. The feminine and masculine expressions in the physical dimension are reflections of the feminine and masculine aspects of consciousness and the individual psyche, the opposites. Spiritual development balances and unites the feminine and masculine polarities within one individual consciousness. Realize that at this time men and women can be predominantly feminine or masculine in their polarity and expression.

Spiritual development is the gradual process of developing empowered perspectives on life, ourselves, and the universe. It includes being guided by higher truth, intimacy with higher truth and our greater body of consciousness, expanded perspectives and illuminated awareness of higher truth, surrender to the spiritual nature of life, understanding ourselves and our spiritual nature, devotion to higher truth and our spiritual development, transmuting lower physical, emotional, and mental energies into higher frequencies, and achieving inner peace and authentic inner union with our psychic feminine and masculine aspects. Learn more about the full spectrum of self-realization.

Defining a Relationship that Lacks Quality

A relationship that lacks quality is based predominantly on physical, sexual, emotional, and related psychological needs. It fulfills basic needs for security, safety, support, companionship, attention, and love. It is unfulfilling because humans are designed for higher needs like achievement, spirituality, mental, and creative expansion. A relationship that lacks quality consists of two people using each other for physical, sexual, and emotional fulfillment at the expense of higher self-development.

Understanding the Phenomenon of Unfulfilling Relationships

The physical aspect of life is one part of the expression of our consciousness, we are much more than that, and currently this dimension (planet) is extremely focused on the physical expression. As long as the spiritual aspect (the non-physical expressions and source of the physical expression) remains underdeveloped in an individual they do not enter into their integrated, best self, role model, holistic self with higher self-awareness. Spiritual development is the higher evolution of the emotional self and specifically the roles that individuals play in relationships.

The feminine geometry (and part of the psyche) allow for accelerated development of the higher centers, and this is often the case as they can lead with compassion, understanding, peace, love, harmony, integrity, trust, virtue, vulnerability, etc. The masculine geometry (and part of the psyche) is powerful and allows for accelerated development in the base centers that govern physical and emotional expression so they can lead with support, wisdom, strength, problem solving, desire, confidence, structure, respect, appreciation, and courageous action.

The nature of this dynamic means that for the masculine to move energy into the higher centers he needs some kind of motivating force that drives the energy of desire higher. In practical terms this means that he will see, experience, and act towards the feminine from a limited perspective until the energy is moved. Sex is the simplest example of this. Many people cannot discern between desire and love because they do not know the higher frequencies of love. Without spiritual development the masculine will see the feminine as an object (source) for sexual (physical and emotional energy) fulfillment, which drives most of the masculine’s behavior (desires), even if they will not admit it, are even truly aware of it, or profess otherwise.

As long as the feminine is unaware of this dynamic, or simply just allows herself to be seen and used in this way, or even enjoys it because of her own lack of spiritual development (which can be caused by her imbalance and lack of development in the lower centers), she will experience unfulfilling relationships, or simply settle for what she thinks is the best she can get, even though she may suppress or deny the deep desires for a more profound and intimate connection. There is an entire spectrum of intimacy.

Moving the Masculine Energy into the Higher Centers

There are three ways the masculine can move the powerful energies of love, desire, and willpower into the higher centers. The first is growing up in an environment that provides the awareness and guidance, which is the mother’s true role as a spiritual being.

The second way is that his experiences lead him into a space where he can do the work himself, often due to pain, psychological and/or physical isolation, or other emotional trauma. Gender confusion, anger, apathy, and resentment are often symptoms of this subconscious frustration of not knowing how to move the energy into the higher centers, and not receiving the inner or outer guidance to do so.

The third way is that a feminine uses her spirituality, discernment, integrity, virtue, and power to lead the masculine to do the work by not allowing a relationship to be based on the lower centers. This is currently profoundly difficult for many, mostly because of energetic imbalances that can make the feminine excessively needy, impatient, unloving, lack self-respect, or unable to provide themselves with the nurturing and spiritual development they need in order to play the highest role that the feminine can play in society, due to poor role models or conditioning. The highest role a feminine can play in society is not taking the place of the masculine and fulfilling his role. Read more about feminine and masculine expressions.

Role Mates, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Sacred Partnerships, and Quality Relationships

Terms like soul mates and twin flames are often used without consideration of the individuals development, which can make it very confusing. Any relationship, including soul mate and twin flame relationships can be profoundly destructive and unfulfilling when it is between two individuals where one or both are immature, lack self-love, or are underdeveloped emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. The divorce rate and number of single parent families provides us with all the proof we need to understand the powerful impact this is having on society. Many people are entering into relationships out of lack, desire, and need. The result is relationships that generate more lack, more desire, and more need. It creates a perpetual cycle of disempowered individuals, disempowering communities, and unfulfillment.

Quality relationships are based on two individuals who have taken the time and put in the effort to become their best self, preparing themselves for another who has done the work, and not settling for less.

Until such a time when we create more quality relationships we will continue to go through a period where most relationships are simply the triggers for self-development and spiritual awakening.  Twin flame relationships specifically are highly charged energetic dynamics meant to push each individual into a higher state of being.

Currently most of these relationships are seen as a romantic fantasy when they are in fact a spiritual relationship more like a teacher and student, or a game of spiritual seduction with a bond that is designed to be unbreakable to allow for the spiritual work to be done. As long as the counterpart with the highest frequency is unaware of their own spiritual nature or the spiritual nature of the relationship they may lower their frequency repeatedly to match their counterpart through fulfillment of sexual, physical, emotional, and other psychological needs. This will not allow the counterpart to move energy into their higher centers. This is not the universal intention for this relationship which is why separation is often orchestrated for their mutual benefit so that each can work on themselves. To play this role in someone’s life requires determination, trust, intuition, and guidance through higher truth.

Read Soul Connections – The Spectrum of Relationships and The Spectrum of Gender – Feminine & Masculine Expressions.

The Ingredients for Quality Relationships

Physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental balance.

Trust in life, consciousness, and higher truth.

Awareness of higher potential.

Belief that life is designed for higher fulfillment.



Ability to care for oneself.

Ability to honor oneself.

Ability to master our desires, and use them for a higher benefit.




Personal purpose.

A sense of accomplishment and success in whatever we do.

Commitment to higher ideals.

Authenticity, truthfulness, and transparency.

Learn more about the full spectrum of self-realization.

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A Guide to Self-Realization

A Guide to Self-Realization book and course by Nathalie Strassburg - feature image with diagram

Introduction, Master Yourself, Expand your Consciousness, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental Aspects, The Learning Spectrum, The Spectrum of Self-Realization, Self-Realization Book and Products, Related Posts.

A Guide to Self-Realization is a book and course created by Nathalie Strassburg. Self-Realization is for anyone that is ready to expand their consciousness, grow, be authentically empowered, cultivate inner truth, have greater self-awareness, have a better relationship with themselves, better relationships with others, achieve authentic self-fulfillment, joy, peace, and harmony.

A Guide to Self-Realization book cover design by Nathalie Strassburg

Paperback available from Amazon (ISBN 9798857000908)
Hardcover available from Amazon (ISBN 9798857014073)
E-Book available from or Amazon. (ISBN 9781998980604 )

A Course in Self-Realization with 142 lessons, introduction video, audio for the lessons, printable worksheets, additional affirmations, audio affirmations, and other material not found in the book.

Master Yourself

Self-realization is the process of unifying our consciousness into a harmonious whole. The guide is based on the 64 lessons from the I Ching that we can master to expand our awareness, discover our authentic self, realize our inner truth, and live our unique destiny. When we balance our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects we become more self-empowered, and can achieve greater self-fulfillment.

A Guide to Self-Realization book and course Diagram by Nathalie Strassburg

Expand your Consciousness

The Self-Realization system, created by Nathalie Strassburg, is compatible with the I Ching, from around 800 BCE, China. It is a great universal model, and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary, 0 and 1, which is what our computers are based on, with 64 (8×8) permutations. The 64 permutations form the Learning Spectrum that the book and course is based on, and they represent the lessons we master in duality to expand our consciousness . The next book and course in the series is A Guide to Enlightenment.

Following the introduction, the book and course include the spectrum of: the self, archetypes, roles, skills, spheres of awareness, principles, the learning spectrum, numbers, geometry, feminine and masculine expressions, self-realization, needs, relationships, and transformation.

Expanding consciousness diagram - from duality to non-dualism, self-realization to enlightenment

Expanding consciousness is the process of integrating all aspects and parts of the conscious self for greater self-awareness and stability. With greater awareness and stability, the self can increase awareness through the dream platform, altered states of consciousness, intuition, and access more information, past, present, future, counterparts, and probabilities related to the whole self and collective consciousness. Expanding consciousness enables greater conscious participation in the ongoing creative process of consciousness, the return to one mindedness, and enlightenment.

Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental Aspects

The book and course is then organized into the four aspects: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. Each section contains the numbers, geometry, spheres of awareness, principles, traits, abilities, skills, and the learning spectrum.

Self-Realization Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental aspects with the I Ching trigrams and images by Nathalie Strassburg

Each aspect has 16 lessons. The 64 lessons in the learning spectrum are the lessons we can master to be an individual that takes empowered action, capable of empowered responses, based on empowered perspectives, and empowered thinking. They are tools that cultivate inner truth, emotional intelligence, and mental freedom that allow us to embrace whatever happens in life and use it for our benefit.

The Learning Spectrum

A Guide to Self-Realization by Nathalie Strassburg - e-book - Learning Spectrum

Each of the 64 lessons have a theme with an introduction, feminine and masculine expressions, and a spectrum to integrate the awareness: affirmation, wisdom, compassion, contemplation, investigation, sensation, observation, and visualization.

The Spectrum of Self-Realization

Elements of Self-Realization - from the book and course by Nathalie Strassburg

Physical Aspect


Expanding our awareness, developing self-love, and love of others through willpower, affirmation, focus, simplicity, authentic expression, and discernment.


Becoming an intuitive nurturer of ourselves and others through love, wisdom, commitment, integrity, and sharing.

Emotional Aspect


Developing emotional intelligence and freedom through the practice of compassion for ourselves and others, mastering desire, elevating ourselves, and our willingness to change.


Mastering our emotional self with balance, trust, confidence, contemplation, silence, acceptance, and integrating our life lessons.

Spiritual Aspect


Expanding our perspectives, practicing meta-cognition, meditation, stillness, and being our own hero through the process of expanding, yielding, balancing intellect with intuition, liberation, and remembering.


Aspiring to higher truth and devotion to a higher purpose by refining ourselves, deepening our understanding, surrendering, being transparent, transmuting, and living peacefully.

Mental Aspect


Developing our inner truth through self-inquiry, observation, perseverance, transcendence, intention, and learning how to master the mind and be joyful.


Expressing our inner truth through our imagination and creating a world we love to live in by being determined, self-empowered, inspired, playful, and patient.

Self-Realization Book and Products

View the Self-Realization Course, Books, and Products here >>

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I Ching Astrology

I Ching spectrum astrology for self-development by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction to the I Ching, Spectrum of Consciousness, I Ching Astrology, I Ching Birth Chart , I Ching Personalized Profile, I Ching Report, I Ching Spectrum Calendar, The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

Introduction to the I Ching

The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical systems, from around 800 BCE. It is a great universal model and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary (what our computers are built on) with 64 themes. In its original form it guides through the ways of nature, and provides wisdom for contemplation and insightful answers to questions.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile - I Ching Overview

The hexagrams that form the basis of the I Ching are from the Bagua, in Taoist Cosmology. It is the 8 symbols that represent the basic principles of existence. It is represented by the 8 trigrams, 8 elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. Each trigram has three lines, each line either “open” or “solid”, representing yin or yang, 0 or 1 forming binary numbers 000-111 (0 to 7).

Spectrum of Consciousness

The 64 hexagrams is a useful tool for exploring something as complex as the spectrum of human consciousness. Looking at the spectrum of consciousness through 8 primary themes makes it simpler to see a larger perspective while appreciating the subtle essence of each. Each hexagram has a name, theme, and number that is from an original sequence. For more information you can take a look at Wikipedia.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - 64 hexagrams for the learning spectrum
The 64 Hexagrams from the I Ching / Bagua. Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven

I Ching Astrology

I Ching astrology is a more detailed guide for self-development than traditional astrology. Astrological elements in the profile and birth chart include: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each astrological element falls within one of the 64 I Ching themes, which represents the spectrum of consciousness, and the life lessons we come to master. Their position can help us identify the theme in our life, expand our awareness, and guide us to self-mastery.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - astrological elements

These elements are energetic themes that are imprinted on our energy body, and include our Personality (traditional star sign from the position of the Sun), Design (from the incarnation cross formed by the positions of the Earth and Sun), emotional Influence from the Moon, our Destiny (North Node), our Gifts (South Node). Below is a detailed list of each astrological element, and what they represent.

Sun represents a personality trait we have come to learn to master. Personality is a key aspect of the design of your conscious awareness.

Earth represents the subconscious influence in your design. Design is a primary feature of your subconscious awareness.

Moon represents the subtle influence in your design. Influence is a key to your well-being.

North Node represents your destiny, the future, and the unknown. Destiny is a key theme to your fulfillment, and personal success.

South Node represents gifts, skills, and abilities we already have. Gifts are primary abilities that you can integrate, and rely on for your authentic fulfillment.

Mercury represents our mental theme, communication, and intelligence: Mind is a key aspect of your life path, and the way you are designed to interact with the world.

Venus represents attraction, relationships, love, beauty and harmony: Attraction is an aspect of your design that will draw others to you.

Mars represents our desires, courage and action. Passion is your soul’s desire and a key element to your authentic joy.

Jupiter represents our abundance, an area of growth, prosperity and potential. Abundance is a source of your inner wisdom.

Saturn represents responsibility, structure and aspiration. Task is the theme of your primary life assignments.

Uranus represents our uniqueness, an area for excellence and expansion. Uniqueness is one of your key areas for self-development.

Neptune represents imagination, possibilities, intuition, and creative power. This Secret Power is a hidden aspect of your design that wants to be uncovered.

Pluto represents power, transformation, evolution, life & death, cycles, change, expansion. Your Power is one of your powerful gifts that will help you succeed.

The positions of the earth and sun create the primary birth cross (color framed on the profile). The profiles contain both the conscious personality (dark grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report) and the subconscious design (light grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report). The subconscious design aspects come from the location of the elements 3 months prior to birth when major brain development takes place, and usually reflect aspects that may be more challenging to integrate. The conscious and subconscious are programming partners.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - incarnation cross

The I Ching Birth Chart contains all the astrological elements from your birth date, time, and location. They are color coded to the I Ching and include the primary theme for each of the astrological elements. The birth chart, profiles, and reports are custom designs and therefore take up to 3 business days to complete.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - example

The profiles, birth charts, and reports are compatible with the Human Design and Gene Keys systems. The placement of the hexagrams on the 360 degree astrological birth chart comes from the Human Design system developed around 1989 after Ra Uru Hu / Alan (Robert) Krakower had a mystical experience where he received the information from a voice over the course of a few days, and then studied and tested it before sharing the information as the Human Design system. The Human Design and Gene Keys system (developed by Richard Rudd) are great tools for self-development, they have helped many people, including myself, with self-discovery, and the process of deconditioning. It can be complicated for some, and take a few years to fully understand and apply it.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Birth Chart - binary energy flow

I believe working directly with the I Ching is a simpler way of integrating the information, and expanding our self-awareness. The profiles, birth charts, and reports are great as an introduction to the concepts. My personal journey has shown me the power that these systems and the I Ching has for self-discovery, it has affected my being, and every aspect of my life. My own process of transformation has inspired the Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization system I developed.

I Ching Birth Chart, Profiles, & Reports

The I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart & Report is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. Order Here.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Personalized Birth Chart design 2 - poster preview

Your birth chart and report contain your design aspects, personality, powers, gifts, uniqueness, passion, life tasks, possibilities, destiny and keys for life fulfillment.

Includes: Your I Ching Report +- 14 page PDF (1mb) with a two page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme and aspects of your design. You can also order the chart without the report. Your I Ching birth chart poster printable JPG file. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive a 10 page introduction I Ching Astrology information booklet PDF (2mb) and a 20% Discount Voucher for all the products in the Self-Realization category.  Please see the product images for more details.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart vertical Poster product for sale

The I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart poster is available in a landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) design. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Personalized Profile

You can order a profile or birth chart poster, with or without the report. It is the same information just presented in a different way. It is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body.

I Ching Astrology Human Design Gene Keys Female Profile by Nathalie Strassburg

Female version. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Astrology Human Design Gene Keys Male Profile by Nathalie Strassburg

Male version.You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (3mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

The Report

The report is around 14 pages in a PDF that can be printed on A4/US Letter paper. It contains a two to three page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme of your design, and then each of the I Ching activations from your birth chart.

It includes the I Ching Hexagram, Number, Theme, and life lesson with a brief explanation, along with the astrology elements, the theme, and what they represent: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). Order Here.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report Preview

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report explanation with description

The I Ching Spectrum Calendar

I Ching Spectrum Calendar Poster by Nathalie Strassburg

The I Ching Spectrum Calendar is great for wall art, as a tool for self-development, light alignment, increasing your awareness, and expanding your consciousness on a daily basis. It is available for purchase, and you will receive three high resolution files: A1 (594 x 841mm / 23.4” x 33.1”), A2, and 17″ x 22″. The I Ching calendar poster is available in landscape/horizontal, and portrait/vertical versions.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

The Spectrum I Ching is designed by Nathalie Strassburg. The foundation is the 4 Primary aspects of ourselves: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. The 8 parts of ourselves that we unify on the path to self-realization are: Instinctive, Tribal, Emotional, Rational, Achiever, Ecological, Integrated, and Holistic. The parts of ourselves are represented by the 8 trigrams from the I Ching / Bagua: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. The 64 hexagrams form the spectrum of consciousness, and the lessons we master on our journey to greater fulfillment and self-realization.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-realization system by Nathalie Strassburg

I recommend further study of the I Ching, Human Design system, Gene Keys, Kabbalah, Chakras, Astrology, Psychological Archetypes, personality spectrum, Numerology, Advaita Vedanta etc.

I Ching Profiles & Products

View the I Ching Profiles and Products for sale here >>

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I Ching Astrology Birth Chart & Report

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart & Report by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Introduction to the I Ching, Spectrum of Consciousness, Your I Ching Birth Chart & Report, I Ching Astrology, The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

Introduction to the I Ching

The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical systems, from around 800 BCE. It is a great universal model and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary (what our computers are built on) with 64 themes. In its original form it guides through the ways of nature, and provides wisdom for contemplation and insightful answers to questions.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile - I Ching Overview

The hexagrams that form the basis of the I Ching are from the Bagua, in Taoist Cosmology. It is the 8 symbols that represent the basic principles of existence. It is represented by the 8 trigrams, 8 elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. Each trigram has three lines, each line either “open” or “solid”, representing yin or yang, 0 or 1 forming binary numbers 000-111 (0 to 7).

Spectrum of Consciousness

The 64 hexagrams is a useful tool for exploring something as complex as the spectrum of human consciousness. Looking at the spectrum of consciousness through 8 primary themes makes it simpler to see a larger perspective while appreciating the subtle essence of each. Each hexagram has a name, theme, and number that is from an original sequence. For more information you can take a look at Wikipedia.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - 64 hexagrams for the learning spectrum
The 64 Hexagrams from the I Ching / Bagua. Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven

Your I Ching Birth Chart & Report

Your I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart & Report is based on your birthday, time and location. The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. Order Here.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Personalized Birth Chart design 2 - poster preview

Your birth chart and report contain your design aspects, personality, powers, gifts, uniqueness, passion, life tasks, possibilities, destiny and keys for life fulfillment.

Includes: Your I Ching Report +- 14 page PDF (1mb) with a two page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme and aspects of your design. You can also order the chart without the report. Your I Ching birth chart poster printable JPG file. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too.  You will also receive a 10 page introduction I Ching Astrology information booklet PDF (2mb) and a 20% Discount Voucher for all the products in the Self-Realization category.  Please see the product images for more details.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart vertical Poster product for sale

The I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart poster is available in a landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) design. You will receive a high resolution (300dpi) image: 17″ x 22″ (US) or A2 size (International) (about 5mb), depending on your location and standard printing size. It can be scaled to print on smaller and larger paper too. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

The report is around 14 pages in a PDF that can be printed on A4/US Letter paper. It contains a two to three page introduction that highlights the most important overall theme of your design, and then each of the I Ching activations from your birth chart. It includes the I Ching Hexagram, Number, Theme, and life lesson with a brief explanation, along with the astrology elements, the theme, and what they represent: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Read more about I Ching Astrology below.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Personalized Birth Chart design 2 - with report

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Report - Report explanation with description

The report and poster are tools for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body. You will also receive the I Ching Astrology information booklet +-10 page PDF (3mb). 

I Ching Astrology

Astrological elements in the profile and birth chart include: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. You can order a profile or birth chart poster, with or without the report. It is the same information just presented in a different way.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - astrological elements

These elements are energetic themes that are imprinted on our energy body, and include our Personality (traditional star sign from the position of the Sun), Design (from the incarnation cross formed by the positions of the Earth and Sun), emotional Influence from the Moon, our Destiny (North Node), our Gifts (South Node). Below is a detailed list of each astrological element, and what they represent.

Sun represents a personality trait we have come to learn to master. Personality is a key aspect of the design of your conscious awareness.

Earth represents the subconscious influence in your design. Design is a primary feature of your subconscious awareness.

Moon represents the subtle influence in your design. Influence is a key to your well-being.

North Node represents your destiny, the future, and the unknown. Destiny is a key theme to your fulfillment, and personal success.

South Node represents gifts, skills, and abilities we already have. Gifts are primary abilities that you can integrate, and rely on for your authentic fulfillment.

Mercury represents our mental theme, communication, and intelligence: Mind is a key aspect of your life path, and the way you are designed to interact with the world.

Venus represents attraction, relationships, love, beauty and harmony: Attraction is an aspect of your design that will draw others to you.

Mars represents our desires, courage and action. Passion is your soul’s desire and a key element to your authentic joy.

Jupiter represents our abundance, an area of growth, prosperity and potential. Abundance is a source of your inner wisdom.

Saturn represents responsibility, structure and aspiration. Task is the theme of your primary life assignments.

Uranus represents our uniqueness, an area for excellence and expansion. Uniqueness is one of your key areas for self-development.

Neptune represents imagination, possibilities, intuition, and creative power. This Secret Power is a hidden aspect of your design that wants to be uncovered.

Pluto represents power, transformation, evolution, life & death, cycles, change, expansion. Your Power is one of your powerful gifts that will help you succeed.

The positions of the earth and sun create the primary birth cross (color framed on the profile). The profiles contain both the conscious personality (dark grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report) and the subconscious design (light grey icons on the profile, birth chart, and report). The subconscious design aspects come from the location of the elements 3 months prior to birth when major brain development takes place, and usually reflect aspects that may be more challenging to integrate.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - incarnation cross

The I Ching Birth Chart contains all the astrological elements from your birth date, time, and location. They are color coded to the I Ching and include the primary theme for each of the astrological elements. The birth chart, profiles, and reports are personalized and take up to 3 business days to complete. The birth chart is a tool for self-development, the process of self-realization, and a light alignment that will allow you to integrate greater aspects of your light body.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Birth Chart - example

The profiles, birth charts, and reports are compatible with the Human Design and Gene Keys systems. The placement of the hexagrams on the 360 degree astrological birth chart comes from the Human Design system developed around 1989 after Ra Uru Hu / Alan (Robert) Krakower had a mystical experience where he received the information from a voice over the course of a few days, and then studied and tested it before sharing the information as the Human Design system. The Human Design and Gene Keys system (developed by Richard Rudd) are great tools for self-development, they have helped many people, including myself, with self-discovery, and the process of deconditioning. It can be complicated for some, and take a few years to fully understand and apply it.

I Ching Spectrum Astrology Profile and Birth Chart - binary energy flow

I believe working directly with the I Ching is a simpler way of integrating the information, and expanding our self-awareness. The profiles, birth charts, and reports are great as an introduction to the concepts. My personal journey has shown me the power that these systems and the I Ching have for self-discovery, it has affected my being, and every aspect of my life. My own process of transformation has inspired the Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization system I developed.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-Realization is designed by Nathalie Strassburg. The foundation is the 4 Primary aspects of ourselves: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. The 8 parts of ourselves that we unify on the path to self-realization are: Instinctive, Tribal, Emotional, Rational, Achiever, Ecological, Integrated, and Holistic. The parts of ourselves are represented by the 8 trigrams from the I Ching / Bagua: Earth, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Mountain, Water, Lake, and Heaven. The 64 hexagrams form the spectrum of consciousness, and the lessons we master on our journey to greater fulfillment and self-realization.

The Spectrum I Ching for Self-realization system by Nathalie Strassburg

View the Self-Realization Course, Books, and Products here >>

Intuitive Geometry & the I Ching

Intuitive Geometry Method Icons

The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything. Intuitive Geometry is a universal model based on the fundamental patterns of life, similar to the I Ching, and it is a framework for an infinite number of projects. I believe the Intuitive Geometry system is a great educational tool because we learn so much easier with colors and patterns.

The Spectrum I Ching Intuitive Geometry art by Nathalie Strassburg

I recommend further study of the I Ching, Human Design system, Gene Keys, Kabbalah, Chakras, Astrology, Psychological Archetypes, personality spectrum, Numerology, Advaita Vedanta, A Course in Miracles etc.

I Ching Products

View the I Ching Profiles and Products for sale here >>
