QUICK LINKS: Intuitive Geometry Art, Books, Images for sale, Line Art for sale. Learn the method online with step by step instructions: Circle, Square, Triangle, Hexagon, Pentagon, Spirals, Waves, Scaling. Learn how to apply the method: How to draw Bees, Butterflies, Flowers (3 fold), Flowers (4 fold), Flowers (5 fold), Human Body, Human Eye, Human Face, Snowflakes, Spiders.
About Intuitive Geometry
The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything.
Overlapping circles have been studied since ancient times. We know that two overlapping circles create the almond shape called the vesica pisces from which we can make basic geometric shapes. The intuitive geometry method includes spirals, waves and scaling. Once you master the method’s 8 principles (circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, spirals, waves, scaling) you can apply them intuitively and draw anything. The book and web pages contain step by step instructions, step by step examples, and example art.
Intuitive Geometry is not just about drawing, it is about developing our intuition and learning the fundamental structure of life. Practicing the use of overlapping circles affects our consciousness on all levels, and our ability to become more powerful creators in this world. – Nathalie Strassburg
Make a donation. Buy the Intuitive Geometry books, including the Paperback from Amazon, Hardcover from Amazon, the E-Book from nathaliestrassburg.com or Amazon. You can also buy printable E-Books, including the Printable Workbook, coloring books, notebooks, and journals.
Learn the Intuitive Geometry Method Online
Overlapping seven circles with the same radius creates 6 equal divisions. You can continue this division to create 12, 24, 48, 96, 192… radial divisions. These divisions are used in the human body, flowers, butterflies, insects, snowflakes, time, and many other elements of life. Learn the circle with step by step instructions >
Overlapping four circles with the same radius creates a square. Overlapping squares create 4, 8, 16, 32, 64… radial divisions. These divisions are used in spiders, flowers, the I Ching, and many other elements of life. Learn the square with step by step instructions >
Overlapping two circles with the same radius creates the first triangle. Overlapping three can create a triangle twice the size. Overlapping six circles creates various possibilities including the five regular solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron. Learn the triangle with step by step instructions >
Overlapping six circles with the same radius creates two different hexagons. Hexagonal tiling is efficient because it has minimal boundary lines – honeycomb is a great example of this. Learn the hexagon with step by step instructions >
There is more than one way you can draw the pentagon. Overlapping pentagons create 10, 20, 40, 80, 160… radial divisions. These divisions are used in plants, flowers, fruit, and many other elements of life. Learn the pentagon with step by step instructions >
Overlapping circles become the guides for creating any type of spiral. For equally spaced spirals you move one circle for every arch. For growing spirals you move double the number of circles for every new arch. You can create custom spirals to suit your designs. Learn spirals with step by step instructions >
Overlapping circles create the guides for drawing waves. Different scales of overlapping circles create infinite possibilities for custom wave designs. Waves are universal patterns of light, electricity, sound, wind etc. Learn waves with step by step instructions >
Scaling is the secret to drawing anything with overlapping circles. The patterns of life are circles within circles and universally scale in steps: down half the size or up double in size. Learn scaling with step by step instructions >
How to draw using the Intuitive Geometry Method
How to draw with the Intuitive Geometry Method
Bee Geometry
Learn how to draw bees using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Butterfly Geometry
Learn how to draw butterflies using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Flower (3 fold) Geometry
Learn how to draw flowers (3 fold) using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Flower (4 fold) Geometry
Learn how to draw flowers (4 fold) using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Flower (5 fold) Geometry
Learn how to draw flowers (5 fold) using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Human Body Anatomy Geometry
Learn how to draw the human body using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Human Eye Anatomy Geometry
Learn how to draw the human eye using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Human Face Anatomy Geometry
Learn how to draw the human face using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Snowflake Geometry
Learn how to draw snowflakes using the Intuitive Geometry method.
Spider Geometry
Learn how to draw spiders using the Intuitive Geometry method.
QUICK LINKS: Intuitive Geometry Art, Books, Images for sale, Line Art for sale. Learn the method online with step by step instructions: Circle, Square, Triangle, Hexagon, Pentagon, Spirals, Waves, Scaling. Learn how to apply the method: How to draw Bees, Butterflies, Flowers (3 fold), Flowers (4 fold), Flowers (5 fold), Human Body, Human Eye, Human Face, Snowflakes, Spiders.