We can choose to understand war, conflict, and peace from a greater perspective, instead of falling into the traps of the intellectual mind that gets caught up in what, who, why, the right, and wrong. Conflict is like inflammation, it is part of the individual, regional, global, and universal process of energy transformation. War is an intense flare-up that indicates additional energy is being focused to resolve the underlying conflict. To judge conflict by looking at the current effect on individuals, countries or the world is a mental trap that feeds the conflict. Instead, I invite you to expand your consciousness. If you must use the mind, first seek to understand all sides of any conflict, as if you are each side, until you can identify with both empathically. This process might require creativity and the study of years of history. Then seek to understand it from a metaphysical perspective that serves all of humanity.
This is the essence of shadow work, transmutation, and transformation.
Thoughts of war, conflict, anger, and resistance create more conflict. Choose thoughts that bring you inner peace, and it affects all of life.
I Ching Hexagram: SUNG Heaven / Water. Action: Let Go. Hidden influence: 37 Balance. Underlying cause: 36 Emotion.
Ecological self – Priest/Priestess: to aspire.
I Ching 6 Peace
Polarity: Aggressive < Peaceful > Undisturbed
Everything we think is bad, such as conflict, is merely the partner of its opposite. The principle of polarities is a key element of transmutation where we learn how to transform energy from one side to the other. Every situation where there is conflict is an invitation for understanding higher truth. This is how we learn to inspire and uplift ourselves using this tension of transformation. It is through higher self-awareness that we master polarities, ourselves, and our emotional waves.
The lessons we learn are themed around realizing that conflict can only occur between two parties that are defending themselves against the other. Each side will feel justified in its position, otherwise the conflict could not occur. Peace is a choice we can make in every moment. Thoughts of attack make the idea of attack possible, and then affirms the choice by making the experience of attack real.
To cultivate this higher awareness of the tension of transformation we must open our minds to understanding life from a different perspective. It is only through a conscious choice of living a peaceful life that we will learn and have the evidence through our experience. Words are meaningless without the evidence and the inner realization that make them valuable.
The only thing worth fighting for in this world is inner peace.
Intuition is knowing without conscious thought. Intuition is the way life communicates with itself, it is life’s intelligence.
We know things without realizing we do. Intuition is learning how to access this knowledge. While instinct operates at a primary level for everyone, our intuition requires a level of self-awareness, identity, and trust in ourselves and life. Intuition is not thinking or thought. Intuition is our connection to our body, our heart and intimacy with life. Intuition functions when our body is in a state of coherence. Several studies have already measured the effect that mood has on intuition and decision-making processes.
Negative emotions create disorder in the body and positive feelings such as gratitude create increased order resulting in improved digestive, cardiovascular, immune, hormonal, cognitive, and other functions like intuition.
We are naturally intuitive beings; intuition connects us with the source of life, it is what guides us when we live in the present flow of life – this is how life is simple, easy and any solution is available.
If you look at all the wonderful stories of people who have truly inspired us, it is the one thing they all have in common, they learned how to trust their intuition.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Albert Einstein
How does Intuition work?
Intuition works because we are all connected through the web of life, the same source is in each of us, the same source connects each of us to everything. The more we learn about our world, light and its properties, the more we realize that we are living in a fractal holographic universe. The world we see with our eyes is not the true reality, we live in a multidimensional field of consciousness. Consciousness is primary (comes before matter) and therefore intuition can be seen as the way life communicates with itself. It is our mind dominated culture that suppresses this natural ability.
Forms of Intuition
Subtle sights, sounds, and feelings, we would not normally be aware of without cultivating the mindfulness it requires.
Direct knowledge and insight, including receiving guidance, communication, and visions.
How do we develop Intuition?
Our intuitive abilities vary according to the amount of coherence we can embody, and the effort we have put into tapping into this ability. Everyone has intuition, but not everyone recognizes it, uses or develops it.
Sayings like “Follow your Bliss” “Do what you Love” etc. are truths that we will continuously be reminded of because they are pointing us towards greater coherence and equilibrium. Living in this state allows us to access our own inner truth because we have the evidence we can trust, which gives us self-assurance.
Evolution is the expansion of awareness, which is consciousness; there is no other purpose for life except to draw us into greater awareness. When we realize everything is designed with this intention then we can align ourselves with the way, embrace our challenges, love ourselves, and live in greater harmony with everything, and everyone.
To develop intuition, we must learn to trust our body, ourselves, and life. Intuition means that we follow our inner truth regardless of the consequences or what others think, want, or say. Being intuitive is a state of coherence and therefore requires self-love and emotional well-being.
Intuition is not limited to one sense, feeling or type of input, and it is unique for each individual because it is so integrated into our consciousness. It is a skill that we have to develop. In India there are schools that focus just on developing these abilities, with incredible results.
10 Ways to develop intuition
Cultivate body awareness. Be present in your body. Speak to your body.
Quiet the mind. While we are thinking our intuition is not operating.
Connect with the source of life through mindfulness and time in nature.
Cultivate objective awareness of ourselves through investigation, and self-inquiry.
Cultivate awareness of our higher Self for inner peace and equanimity.
Set an intention to use your intuition, give it your focus and concentration.
Use questions to train your intuition, use opportunities to ask your intuition for an answer, test it, get the evidence for yourself.
Care for your emotional well being so that you understand your feelings and can discern between an emotional reaction and intuition. Intuition is neutral, even though we might have thoughts and feelings that occur in response to the intuitive message.
Learn to trust life, and the intuitive messages. Doubt can prevent us from hearing and acting on our intuition.
Learn to follow your authentic joy, this is your guide to expansion and personal abundance.
Learning the Intuitive Geometry method is an excellent way for anyone to develop their intuition because it naturally develops: stillness, concentration, mindfulness, joy and trust.
The Intuitive Geometry method is a basic set of principles for using overlapping circles to create and design anything.
Overlapping circles have been studied since ancient times. We know that two overlapping circles create the almond shape called the vesica pisces from which we can make basic geometric shapes. The intuitive geometry method includes spirals, waves and scaling. Once you master the method’s 8 principles (circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, spirals, waves, scaling) you can apply them intuitively and draw anything. The book contains step by step instructions, step by step examples, and example art.