A guide to understanding beliefs: Introduction, Conscious & Subconscious Beliefs, Conditioned Beliefs, Limiting Beliefs, Core Beliefs, Super Conscious Beliefs, Limiting beliefs & Unfulfilling Relationships, Empowering Beliefs, and Changing Beliefs.
Beliefs drive behavior, perception, and experiences. Beliefs are expressions of desires, and they are the thoughts and emotions that create the reality we experience. Beliefs are psychic energy that guide consciousness in every endeavor for creative fulfillment. Energetically they have nothing to do with facts, right, wrong, good, or bad. All beliefs seek fulfillment.
Every person has two sets of beliefs, those we are conscious of and those we are not aware of. Beliefs are anything we subjectively, consciously, or subconsciously, determine to be true for us, or have been conditioned to believe is true.
Beliefs determine what we desire, what we can and want to see, feel, and experience. They are the filters that our consciousness use to navigate the entire field of consciousness. Psychological phenomena like confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, a range of personality disorders, and social dysfunction is caused by limiting or unhealthy beliefs. That is why two people can literally live in the same house, but experience two completely different realities based on the beliefs they hold true, knowingly, or unknowingly.
Conscious & Subconscious Beliefs
Conscious beliefs are the beliefs we are aware of, they may be conditioned, limiting, or empowering. They are the beliefs we communicate and actively seek to fulfill. Subconscious beliefs are those we are not aware of. Subconscious beliefs are predominantly the unconscious beliefs we were conditioned with through our earliest experiences.
If we hold two conflicting beliefs, conscious and subconscious, the strongest belief will override the other, usually the subconscious ones because they have been operating for a longer time. We know when this is happening in our life because our experiences do not reflect our conscious desires. When we are not consciously looking for feedback, desire to expand our awareness, or open to intuitive guidance, then we will overlook these events and suppress, deny, disown, or dismiss it.
Conditioned Beliefs
Cultural homogenization and social conditioning in early life is basically belief indoctrination. It is a form of complete hypnotization that society is built on. Most people never question their reality or the fundamental things they believe are true. When the basic beliefs underlying a civilization are unhealthy then we have unhealthy societies.
The process of indoctrination relies on the beliefs like if many believe something then it must be true, if someone can experience something or if science can prove its material truth then it must be true. Even if we can experience something it does not make it true for everyone, all the time, under all circumstances. The truth is that everything contains some truth because life is a psychic phenomenon. Just because a belief is shared does not make it true, or empowering. Sometimes culture will provide two opposing beliefs to create the illusion of choice, usually between two limiting beliefs.
Limiting Beliefs
To recognize limiting beliefs, we require intuitive awareness, sincere self-inquiry, and discernment. As we expand our ability to be more discerning we develop greater appreciation for the psychic nature of subjective experience.
Look at beliefs like the database we use to run our lives. Anything that does not fit into the framework we have is simply dismissed or modified to fit. To have a database that is open to change, and evolution requires beliefs that support it, that beliefs can be changed, and that we are open to discovering new things every day, etc. When we have a belief that we can discover limiting beliefs and change them or exchange them for more empowering beliefs then that is what our consciousness becomes capable of finding, experiencing, and creating. Without those core beliefs we will be stuck with the database we have.
Limiting beliefs are like weeds in a garden. They may be conscious or subconscious and can have unintentionally tragic results.
Core Beliefs
Beliefs are also fractal in nature. Some really powerful core beliefs can affect many sub-beliefs. These include beliefs like:
That I create my experience with my thoughts, intentions, beliefs, and emotions. / That I do not create my own experience of reality. (Victimlessness vs Victimization)
That there is a psychic non-material reality that is just as valid or the cause of the material reality. / That the material reality is the only true reality.
Belief in higher intelligence. / Belief that we are the expression of chaos and disorder without intelligence.
Belief that life / the universe can / cannot be trusted.
Belief that we are consciousness with a physical component. / Belief that we are just a body.
Belief in a connected universe. / Belief in a disconnected universe.
Belief that something can / cannot be understood.
Belief that something is possible / impossible.
Words like “always,” “never,” and generalizations generally point to core beliefs.
There is an entire spectrum of beliefs that govern all the lessons we learn in life.
Super Conscious Beliefs
Beyond conscious and subconscious beliefs are the beliefs that made our subjective life experience possible. The unique expression of consciousness that we are exists in the field of consciousness because of beliefs and desires. Our greater body of consciousness is aware of the entire spectrum of consciousness that we are, all probabilities, and all counterparts. It is our greater body of consciousness that can resort to orchestrating intense catalysts to attempt to bring new awareness to us.
We are a part of the evolution of consciousness, and we have a deep desire for greater awareness, that is why we have fields of education, science, religion, technology, and all endeavors that reflect a deep desire for greater awareness and understanding.
Limiting beliefs & Unfulfilling Relationships
Relationships are perhaps the most obvious place where our limiting beliefs are creating issues that dominate individual and collective experience.
For generations we have been sharing limiting beliefs about ourselves, others, the world, and life in general. Toxic relationship dynamics, unfulfilling relationships, dysfunctional relationships, and the personality coping mechanisms that come along with them are based on limiting beliefs.
Someone may consciously believe that love is a wonderful, warm, caring, supportive experience. At the same time, they can hold a subconscious belief that love is dangerous, cold, painful, and unforgiving because that is the environment they grew up in. It is so important to realize that because we can have conscious beliefs we can be completely oblivious to the subconscious beliefs, and even dismiss the idea. When we grow up in an unhealthy environment it is often so subtle even without the conscious awareness or any outright intention or abuse of the parents, caregivers, or teachers. Our life is a printout of our beliefs, and we must examine the evidence we see, and sincerely ask ourselves “What must I believe is true about love in order to be attracted to this, or to experience this?”
Our society is littered with limiting beliefs, both science and religion are fundamentally based on some limiting beliefs. To expand our consciousness, we evolve a whole new understanding of the psychic nature of consciousness and our beliefs, and how they govern every aspect of our personal lives and the collective experiences we are creating in the world.
Empowering Beliefs
Empowering beliefs are not about facts, right, wrong, good, or bad. They are beliefs that empower us as an individual to expand our awareness every day, our whole life long, and that allows for creative fulfillment in every aspect of our being: physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.
Empowering beliefs are our subjective collection of inner truths that we cultivate through our own choice, experience, self-inquiry, evidence, intuition, and observation.
They are empowering because they enable us to create a life we love to live. They are the seeds that allow us to grow beautiful, healthy, and beneficial plants in our psychic garden.
Changing Beliefs
How do we change beliefs? Here are some guidelines.
Choose to sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that beliefs are changeable, regardless of what others think, say, or do, and what is considered fact, right, wrong, good, or bad.
Choose to believe that we can become consciously aware of any limiting, destructive, or sabotaging belief that obscures or limits our ability to be completely fulfilled.
Choose to believe that we are capable of being completely fulfilled in every aspect of our lives.
Choose to believe that we can instruct our subconscious mind to change, delete, update, and modify beliefs.
Take empowered actions, use empowered responses, perspectives, and thoughts to consistently and with determination reprogram ourselves in every way we can.
Instruct our consciousness to be alert for opportunities to reprogram ourselves and consciously participate in this quest every moment of every day.
Use any method available to us to become aware of and improve our belief system such as affirmations, journaling, creative writing, meditation, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness training, creative projects, singing, mantras, absorbing media and materials that support the new beliefs, let the new beliefs permeate every thought, word, action, and feeling.
Use the guide to Self-Realization to go through the psychological process of integration that is based on the 64 lessons from the I Ching that covers the spectrum of consciousness. Each lessons contains new empowering beliefs.
Take every action with the intention to create a complete system of empowering beliefs and eradicate limiting beliefs with love and compassion.
Examine every experience, thought, emotion, situation, and event from a whole new perspective, like an investigator, look at it from a psychological and symbolic perspective to understand the beliefs that are involved in every experience.
Create new empowering beliefs whenever there is an opportunity and imprint them into your subconscious through affirmations (thinking, speaking, writing, listening), and seek to find evidence that supports them in an ongoing and determined creative endeavor.