SHORTCUTS: Introduction, Hormones, Polarity, Feminine and Masculine Expressions: Relationship Orientated < > Goal Orientated, Emotional < > Detached, Nurturing < > Problem Solver, Vulnerable < > Courageous, Interdependent < > Independent, Trusting < > Confident, Cooperative < > Competitive, Loving < > Powerful, Responsive < > Accountable, Virtuous < > Competent, Receptive < > Assertive, Intuitive < > Analytical. Further Reading: Book Recommendations.
Each individual has a unique feminine and masculine profile to balance. The feminine and masculine are poles of the psyche within our consciousness.
Our bodies are biological computers governed by universal laws and dynamics, including the law of polarity and gender. The male and female bodies are biologically different, and they require different chemicals and expressions to be in balance and harmony. As a guideline the female body generally requires 10x plus feminine expressions for balance and harmony. Female expressions generate estrogen and oxytocin. The male body requires 10x plus masculine expressions for balance and harmony. Male expressions generate testosterone. Depending on our intention and attitude our behavior is expressing predominantly feminine or masculine energy. To discover our intentions we have to ask why, repeatedly, in order to get to the core of our motivation.
Hormones like estrogen and testosterone are chemical messengers within the body that travel through the bloodstream to tissues, and organs. Body chemistry is a two way street because we can affect it through our behavior, and it also affects our behavior. Without understanding our hormones we can easily get lost in taking life too personal. Hormone production is the result of the combination of the conditioning we receive, our lifestyle, the food we eat, exercise habits, our thoughts, and the emotions we experience.
Female and male bodies produce mostly the same hormones, but to different degrees at different times, and ages. For optimal health, well-being, self-love, fulfillment, self-realization, transformation, and chemistry a female body requires about 10 times as much estrogen as a male body, and a male body at least 10 times as much testosterone as a female body. A majority of the current issues in society, relationships, and individuals can be seen in hormone imbalances, for example depression is caused by high testosterone in females, and high estrogen in males. Excessive psychological, emotional or physical stress lowers estrogen in females, and lowers testosterone in males.
Each individual body has a unique balance of feminine and masculine energy. Our unique polarity profile is created at conception, and then through the relationship our caregivers have with themselves and those around us, and then it follows a biological pattern as we age to allow for the reproduction of more bodies.
When two individuals come together in a relationship they are attracted (or repulsed) based on their polarity profiles that fit together like a puzzle. The chemistry created between two individuals depends on the dominant energy they are expressing regardless of the actual gender of the body. What happens in many relationships is that two unbalanced polarities come together, and, or the relationship becomes unfulfilling when the polarity profiles change due to habits, conditioning, life changes, the environment or circumstances. If the polarity profiles are no longer compatible then the individuals will no longer be attracted to each other physically, emotionally or sexually, and in the extreme case they repel each other. Read Understanding Spiritual Development and the Quality of Relationships.
Due to cultural and other influences spanning several generations we are currently going through a phase on earth where woman are expressing excessive masculine energy. This pattern has created a large percentage of woman who are predominately masculine in their energetic expression, and men who are now predominately feminine in their expression. While these have created all kinds of new relationship dynamics it does not bring authentic inner harmony or true fulfillment because the body and its needs are not in harmony with our biological vehicles or the universal laws that govern this world.
It is therefore important to understand this dynamic to avoid gender confusion, learn how how to honor the body we are born into in our current life, and create harmonious and long lasting relationships. It is the feminine’s opportunity to be in her femininity, in order to allow the masculine to be in his masculinity, so that he can provide the safe space for her femininity to blossom.
Below is a framework for understanding feminine and masculine expressions for hormonal balance. Each individual has to determine for themselves what their intention and attitude is in every situation, aspect, and experience of their life in order to understand their own polarity profile. Once we are aware of our dominant energetic expression we can adjust it by changing the way we think and act, often with profound results.
Relationship Orientated < > Goal Orientated
Harmony & Balance
The feminine power is her desire and ability to be relationship orientated. She has the power to create harmony and balance in any relationship through the manifestation of her femininity, which is like a web of love. To be relationship orientated means she is able to choose harmony and higher love above self interest in any situation because she knows it makes her feel good. In terms of self-love the feminine make choices that prioritizes her relationship with herself, and this creates the environment where love can manifest, which means that when she can create a space for herself to feel loving it creates a space where others can feel her love. Any activity we do can either be done because it achieves some goal or because it enhances the relationship with ourselves and others.
The masculine power is his ability to be goal orientated. His innate gifts enables him to look for solutions, be analytical, independent, powerful, and assertive. He has the desire and power to create harmony and balance in any situation by being goal orientated because it makes him feel successful. His ability to achieve goals fuels his self-esteem and empowers him to aspire higher. In terms of self-love the masculine uses his desire for success to set goals to achieve greater harmony and balance within himself. His ability to achieve these goals within himself empowers him to reflect his self-assurance, confidence, competence, courage, and independence that attracts everything he needs to him, including the appreciation, adoration, acceptance, trust, and love he needs and desires. Any activity we do can be done with the intention to achieve a goal, it is a matter of perspective.
Emotional < > Detached
Empathy & Compassion
The feminine is naturally emphatic, she can feel into herself, and she can feel into others. This exceptional power is her the ability to listen to herself and others through her whole body so she knows what is needed in any situation. To manifest this power she has to embrace all emotions with compassion and love with the intention to understand them as sources of information. The power of empathy and compassion is the power that draws to her what she needs and desires most, those who will provide a space for her to feel safe to feel. In terms of self-love it is with herself that she learns how to feel empathy and compassion, first for herself, and then for others. Empathy and compassion are natural abilities that need to be developed and practiced like a skill in order to become more powerful. When she is in her feminine power she will know that what the masculine needs is her femininity, her love, acceptance, understanding, compassion, truth, and appreciation for his masculinity and its expressions. Any activity we do can be done with the intention to feel it, or to express a feeling.
The masculine is innately detached because this gives him a greater perspective in order to see with greater clarity. This exceptional power is his ability to process information in order to analyze, understand, solve problems, access inner truth, and create win-win solutions. The ability to process information in a detached way empowers him to be much more compassionate and understanding, and fuels his ability to be a leader and lead himself and others towards greater success. In terms of self-love it is his ability to be detached from emotions that allows him to set goals that are for his greatest benefit. It is the masculine power to lead both himself and others towards greater harmony and balance because he can see the bigger picture, determine the best solutions, and prioritize solutions that will have the greatest benefit. Any activity we do can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow in understanding.
Nurturing < > Problem Solver
Wisdom & Inner Truth
The feminine nature is the nurturer, it stimulates her female hormones and makes her feel good, increasing her desire to be more nurturing. When she is nurturing her body accesses its innate wisdom it would not otherwise have access to. When she is nurturing to others she will access all her other gifts intuitively, and she will be able to feel blissful. In terms of self-love it is her task to provide nurturing for her own feminine self first because it is the only way to unlock her wisdom and inner truth. Any activity we do can be done with the intention to provide nurturing to ourselves or others, or to simply solve a problem. This attitude has a profound effect on the experience and results of anything we do, and say.
The masculine nature is the problem solver, it stimulates his male hormones and it makes him feel good, with the desire to do more. When he is solving problems his body accesses inner truth that would not otherwise be accessible. When he is solving problems for himself and others he is accessing all his other gifts, to be analytical, courageous, competitive, competent, assertive, independent, accountable, and powerful. In terms of self-love it is his task to solve his own problems first because it unlocks his ability to access greater wisdom, inner truth, and find better solutions for more complex problems. Any activity we do can be done with the intention to solve a problem because it is a matter of perspective. This attitude empowers the masculine to see life form his unique perspective, understand patterns, integrate knowledge in a holistic manner, and feel successful in every situation.
Vulnerable < > Courageous
Healthy Boundaries
The feminine is open and receptive to energy which makes her vulnerable and sensitive. It is her ability to embrace her vulnerability that opens her to receive information, feelings, emotions, intuitive knowledge, and experience deeper love, harmony, empathy, and compassion. Because of the delicate nature of the feminine it requires her to set healthy boundaries with herself first and with others in order to feel safe enough to be open and vulnerable. In terms of self-love her healthy boundaries are created with love to provide a space for her to feel herself, and feel the universe as it communicates with her in every way every day through feelings and intuitive awareness. Any activity we do can be done with an open heart and mind that allows us to be receptive to the whole experience.
The masculine is responsive to energy which allows him to take action, and this makes him courageous. It is his ability to embrace his courageous nature that will make him feel successful, powerful, independent, confident and assertive. In order for his courage to be of the greatest benefit to himself and others he learns how to create healthy boundaries. In terms of self-love he needs to have the courage to create healthy boundaries to guide him in living a life that makes him feel successful. Any activity we do can be done with courage because we are not fearful of learning about ourselves, others, and life.
Interdependent < > Independent
Victimless Equality
The feminine is innately interdependent because she has the capacity to feel into herself and others through her empathy and intuition. When she is aware of her power she knows what is going on within herself and for those around her. For her to be interdependent she cannot see herself or anyone else as a victim because a victim mentality makes her codependent. In terms of self-love it is her ability to recognize the interdependent nature of life and her relationship to the universe that empowers her to allow her femininity and the gifts that come with it. Her interdependence allows her to take responsibility for her thoughts, feelings, actions, and the role that the feminine has in relationships and the world. Any activity we do can be done with the intention to enhance our interdependence.
The masculine is innately independent because it allows him to take action. His independence gives him the ability to be detached, solve problems, be courageous, competitive, analytical, assertive, competent, goal orientated and accountable. For him to be independent he cannot see himself or anyone else as a victim because a victim mentality makes him codependent. In terms of self-love it is his ability to embrace his instinctive desire to be independent that empowers him to allow his masculinity and the gifts that come with it. His independence allows him to take responsibility for his thoughts, feelings, actions, and the role that the masculine has in relationships and the world. Any activity can be done with the intention to enhance our independence.
Trusting < > Confident
Higher Truth & Self-Realization
The feminine’s access to emphatic and intuitive knowledge empowers her to trust life and every experience that comes to her because she will know why it is there, what she is learning, and how to respond in any situation. As she grows in trust and faith she is able to access higher truth and remember what we are and why we are here because she will be in an interdependent relationship with life that provides her with the feedback and evidence she needs to grow in trust. In terms of self-love the feminine first learns to trust herself and her feelings, and then to trust life, and as she regains complete trust she realizes she is walking the path of self-realization, fulfillment, and higher love. Life is intended for our fulfillment, but it requires our active participation to take us there, and for the feminine this process is embodied in trust. Any activity can be done with an attitude of trust, and this not only affects the activities we choose to engage in, but also the consequences of those activities.
The masculine’s ability to act, analyze and solve problems empowers his confidence to embrace every experience that comes to him because he will know why it is there, what he is learning, and how to respond in any situation. As he grows in confidence he is able to access higher truth and remember what we are and why we are here because he will feel empowered, successful, and competent. In terms of self-love the masculine first learns to be confident with himself and his abilities by recognizing and appreciating his confidence, and then becomes more confident in how he engages the world and those around him. As he regains his confidence in himself he realizes he is walking the path of self-realization, fulfillment, and higher love. Life is intended for our fulfillment, but it requires our active participation to take us there, and for the masculine this process is embodied in confidence. Any activity can be done with an attitude of confidence, and this not only affects the activities we choose to engage in, but also the consequences of those activities.
Cooperative < > Competitive
Win-Win Solutions
The feminine is naturally cooperative because it stimulates her feminine hormones that make her feel good. It is only through her cooperation that she can feel safe, loved, and protected. In terms of self-love it is her cooperation with her self, her body, her feelings, thoughts, and intuition that allows her to embody the power of authentic and sincere femininity. Through her cooperation the feminine learns that to give it to receive, and to receive is to give. When she is in touch with her femininity and her feminine gifts she will naturally want to create win-win solutions because it feels good to her, and to others. Any activity can be done with the intention to cooperate and create win-win solutions that serve the individual and the relationship.
The masculine is naturally competitive because it stimulates his masculine hormones that makes him feel good. It is only through his competitive nature that he can feel successful, appreciated, trusted, accepted, and loved. In terms of self-love it is his ability to compete with himself that empowers him to take the actions needed to create the life and relationships he wants. Through his competitive nature he learns that to give is to receive, and to receive is to give. When he is in touch with his masculinity and his masculine gifts he will naturally want to create win-win solutions in all areas of his life, and the world, because it feels good to him, and to others. Any activity can be done with the intention to compete, make things better, and create win-win solutions that serve the individual and the relationship.
Loving < > Powerful
Inner Strength & Patience
The feminine naturally desires to give and receive love because it makes her feel good. She intuitively knows that life is a game of love and that we are consciously or subconsciously playing the game of seduction. It is her ability to embrace this desire for love that allows her to fully embody the feminine energy and reflect the beauty and grace of femininity. It is her love and open heart that gives her the inner strength and patience to follow her unique path to the fulfillment of her desires. In terms of self-love she has to learn to love the feminine and everything it entails in order to access her authentic self. Any activity can be done with an intention of love, and it has a profound effect on every thought, word, and action.
The masculine naturally desires to be and feel powerful because it makes him feel good. He instinctively knows that life is a game of power and that we are consciously or subconsciously playing the game of seduction. It is his ability to embrace this desire for power that allows him to fully embody the masculine energy and reflect the inner strength of masculinity. The inner strength of masculinity is so powerful that it is obvious to himself and those around him, and therefore does not need to be flaunted or proclaimed. It is this power that gives him the inner strength and patience to follow his unique path to the fulfillment of his desires. In terms of self-love he has to learn to love the masculine and everything that it entails in order to access his authentic self. Any activity can reflect our inner strength when we know we are powerful, and it has a profound effect on every thought, word, and action.
Responsive < > Accountable
Gratitude & Fulfillment
The feminine is open and receptive to energy which allows her to be responsive to thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions. When the feminine is empowered she is grateful for life and the opportunities it brings to her to respond with love, kindness, grace, and trust because it makes her feel good. She becomes responsive when her intention is to find opportunities to appreciate and serve the well-being of everyone in her relationships because she knows this is how she feels fulfilled. In terms of self-love she first becomes responsive to herself, her feelings, thoughts, and intuitive guidance which allows her to respond to life as it guides her to embody her femininity. She realizes that her authentic fulfillment and happiness requires her to honor her femininity. Any activity can be done with the intention to respond positively and gracefully for the well-being of all concerned.
The masculine is powerful, courageous, analytical, competent, and assertive which allows him to be accountable and live with integrity. When the masculine is empowered he is grateful for his masculine powers and the opportunities life brings to him to respond with integrity, competence, and courage because it makes him feel good. He is accountable when his intention is to serve the well-being of everyone in his relationships because he knows this is how he feels fulfilled. In terms of self-love he first becomes accountable to himself, his feelings, thoughts, and logic which allows him to embrace his masculinity. He realizes that his authentic fulfillment and happiness requires him to honor his masculinity. Any activity can be done with integrity and the intention to be accountable for our actions.
Virtuous < > Competent
Authentic Empowerment
The feminine is sensitive to energy and therefore naturally able to use her empathy for discernment. It is her discernment that makes her virtuous and authentically empowers her femininity. In terms of self-love she can only empower herself by honoring her femininity and choosing to be virtuous. She realizes that her fulfillment and happiness requires her to practice moral excellence including being faithful, hopeful, honest, trustworthy, loyal, forgiving, compassionate, caring, considerate, and patient. Any activity can be done with virtuous intention.
The masculine is powerful and competent because he is independent, analytical, accountable, confident, and honorable. It is his competence that empowers him to be discerning. It is his discernment that recognizes his masculinity and the path to his authentic fulfillment and happiness. In terms of self-love he can only become competent by recognizing and appreciating his masculinity and what he is capable of. Any activity can be done with the intention to empower our competence.
Receptive < > Assertive
Enlightened Persistence
The feminine is receptive to the influence and effects of energy. When the feminine is empowered she allows herself to be open to receive, from herself, others, and the universe. In terms of self-love she is receptive to her feminine desires and universal guidance so she can give to herself what she needs to be happy and feel fulfilled. In relationships she is open to receive, and she gently encourages her receptivity by inviting others to participate in her happiness and fulfillment. She practices enlightened persistence in creating an open, loving and receptive environment through her appreciation. Any activity can be done with an attitude of gratitude that makes us receptive to feeling appreciation.
The masculine is naturally detached, analytical and direct in response to the effects of energy. When the masculine is empowered he becomes assertive in his actions, thoughts, and words. His transparency with himself and others allows his inner strength to fuel his persistence in creating happiness and fulfillment. In terms of self-love he claims his masculinity by being assertive with himself, his desires, and what he needs to be fulfilled and happy. In relationships he is open, transparent, and assertive in communication and action to create happiness and fulfillment. Any activity can be done with an assertive attitude that opens the way for greater harmony and balance, if that is our intention.
Intuitive < > Analytical
Enhanced Creativity
The feminine is intuitive and open to inner guidance from life’s intelligence because she is sensitive to feelings, sensations, ideas, and energy. Intuition is the way that life communicates with itself on all levels and it is therefore powerful in its ability to guide us in every way. When the feminine is empowered she trusts her intuitive guidance because she knows that life is guiding her on her path to authentic self-fulfillment. In terms of self-love she learns that in order to access her intuition she has to embrace her femininity, and that includes her authentic feminine needs for stillness, peace, love, harmony, and balance. Any activity can be done from an intuitive or analytical intention. Intuition does not require thought. When we are able to blend our feminine intuition with our analytical masculinity our creativity is greatly enhanced.
The masculine is analytical, and open to seeing the larger perspective, patterns, and information that guides us through life because he embraces simplicity, and is detached, courageous, competitive, powerful, assertive, goal orientated, and gifted in his ability to solve problems. When the masculine is empowered he trusts his logic and ability to lead himself and others to greater fulfillment and harmony. In terms of self-love he learns to appreciate his analytical mind and its power to guide him to embrace his masculinity. He realizes that his authentic fulfillment requires him to embrace his masculine needs that include being goal orientated, accountable, responsible, independent, detached, assertive, and competent. Any activity can be done based on analysis and logic. When we are able to blend our analytical masculinity with our feminine intuition our creativity is greatly enhanced.
Further Reading
For more information on the role of hormones and gender polarity read Beyond Mars and Venus by John Gray, and Feminine Lost – Why most Woman Are Male by Jennifer Granger. If you have any further suggestions please send them to me. Read Understanding Spiritual Development and the Quality of Relationships.
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