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The Spectrum of Experience – How we Create our Subjective Reality

The Spectrum of Experience - How we Create our Reality by Nathalie Strassburg
  1. Introduction
  2. Evolving Consciousness
  3. Information Crystals
  4. Subjective Experience
  5. The Spectrum of Experience:
    1. Root: Survival, Stability, and Safety
    2. Sacral: Sensuality, Sexuality, Emotion
    3. Navel: Creativity, Life Force, Desire
    4. Solar Plexus: Willpower, Confidence, Self-Assurance
    5. Heart: Connection, Compassion, Universal Love
    6. Thyroid: Transformation, Hormones, Metabolism
    7. Throat: Communication, Expression, Authenticity
    8. Eye: Vision, Imagination, Visualization
    9. Crown: Knowledge, Self-Realization, Spirituality


The world is a metaphysical holographic light manifestation of consciousness. The physical world that our mind and senses interact with is a small part of the whole phenomena of consciousness. Consciousness manifests layers of information systems organized in fractals because everything is essentially one manifestation.

Human consciousness is one type of manifestation with levels of awareness. Human consciousness functions in a range of frequencies and different levels of awareness that we experience as a subjective phenomenon, for example, being awake, sleeping, dreaming, imagining, euphoric, meditating, in flow, disassociated, hypnotized, etc.

If consciousness is the sun, then a human consciousness is a ray of sunlight. If consciousness is the ocean, then human consciousness is a wave or a cup of water. We are always a part of our source; we cannot be separated from it.

Evolving Consciousness

Consciousness is expanding and evolving through life on earth, and through the human vehicle. For consciousness to evolve and learn through human fractals it gives us a subjective experience by hiding a great degree of information from us. We operate from such an extreme lack of information that we believe ourselves to be an individual entity separate from each other and our surroundings. The human journey is a journey of awareness.

The journey of awareness is through the spectrum experience that operates on a physical and metaphysical level at the same time. We are information systems within information systems. For human fractals to grow in awareness we must consciously seek it. This process of evolving expands our consciousness through the process of incorporating information into our information system in a harmonious way.

Each human fractal has a unique design based on a spectrum of information which allows each fractal to evolve their consciousness through a specific range of themes. This design allows for a greater number of fractals, possibilities, and opportunities while limiting the amount of information that each fractal consciously has access to.

Information Crystals

Each human fractal is an information crystal that we experience as our personality and body. Our information crystal moves through the fabric of consciousness that we experience as space and time. Everything we see, feel, hear, taste, smell, and think is information filtered through our information system. Our information crystal is a binary program that has a unique set of perimeters created from the moment we are conceived. From then we are an ongoing evolution of information that is affected by everything we come into physical and metaphysical contact with.

There is a set path that each human information crystal takes that we experience as birth, being a baby, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, maturity, old age, and death. Information does not die; it is an ongoing process of integration at different levels of consciousness. The levels before and after death are not accessible through normal human consciousness because it requires the limitation of information to function.

Everything a human information crystal encounters is a mirror of consciousness reflected through their own crystal. This is the reason that the foundation of human psychology is projection. Projection simply means that our subjective experience of another human reflects our own consciousness. Projection is the mechanism our information crystals use to learn and evolve consciousness over time. When we are young, we learn behavior from watching, feeling, and imitating those around us. This early set of information become the foundation for our own behavior. The goal of each human information crystal is simply to follow its path and evolve its awareness to the greatest extent possible.

Subjective Experience

All places, stories, books, media, religions, mythologies, and sciences are fictitious interpretations and reflections of consciousness as it expands into every direction it can to whatever degree possible.

Our subjective experience has layers of information that influence it, from our basic crystal configuration which we interpret through the patterns we see in astrology for example, to our early life conditioning, and then the information we gather through our life experience. It is predominantly our attitude towards ourselves and life that determines our subjective experience. Every human crystal will experience degrees of pleasure and pain because we are a binary program, evident by the polarities reflected in every aspect of our world.

We create our reality through our attitude to the information in our crystal. Our attitude will be predominantly negative, positive, or more neutral. A positive attitude is an expansive approach open to integrating new information. A negative attitude is a contracted approach that is closed to new information and replaces or discards information to a greater degree. A neutral attitude is an approach that integrates and replaces information in a more objective way.

The Spectrum of Experience

In order to expand our consciousness, and our ability to consciously affect our subjective human experience, we can look at the spectrum of experience and how our attitude affects it through the cognitive framework of the 9 chakras / energy centers that govern the range of frequencies we experience.

Human Body Biofield and Chakras
The Human Body Biofield and Chakras with Female Anatomy. View all Biofield and Chakra Images.

Balance and coherence in the body’s energy centers will be reflected by the degree of fulfillment of authentic potential. Authentic joy, peace, fulfillment, and success is an uniquely subjective experience.

Root: Survival, Stability, Safety

The root is our most primal connection to the physical experience of being in a body. It governs our sense of safety, security, survival, and awareness of our body. The programming we receive from conception to early childhood has the most significant impact on this sphere of information. Any kind of trauma, regardless of its degree, imprints the information that there is a lack of safety, security, and that the crystal’s survival is threatened. At the current phase of the world nearly all crystals are programmed negatively in this sphere, predominantly because of information received from the parents, caregivers, and the degree of fear frequencies permeating the environment.

The result of this type of programming is that consciousness cannot fully penetrate this sphere. The result is a crystal that is unstable in its environment, and a personality that either disregards its own safety and longevity, or that is overly concerned with itself, its safety, survival, and sense of security because it unconsciously experiences the lack of coherence in this sphere.

Because the root is the first connection to the physical world, the consequence is that the amount and quality of energy and information that can move through this sphere is restricted which affects the transmission to every other sphere in the crystal. To balance this sphere we have to bring conscious awareness to our body, to feel its feedback, to move our conscious awareness with the body, every part of our body, when we sit, walk, relax, run, do exercise, develop a skill, dance, and any other form of movement so that we are literally expanding the degree that consciousness is permeating the crystal, and allow greater degrees of information to be transmitted. This practice will enhance our stability, sense of safety, and calibration with the body, which will make us more aware of feedback, and the intuitive intelligence present in our crystal. This practice can be enhanced with mental and verbal affirmations, or any other method that elicits a sense of stability, safety, calm, coherence, and well-being.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 2 Sacral

Sacral: Sensuality, Sexuality, Emotion

The sacral sphere embeds our physical experience of being in a body with emotional information to expand the degree awareness, and intensity of experience. The experience of pleasure and pain become meaningful because of the emotional information and the intensity it registers in our conscious awareness. Every emotion we can experience is a different frequency of information. Through our experiences we become conditioned to experience and expect certain frequencies more than others. Our attitude can also filter certain frequencies which either restricts or expands the range of frequencies we can feel, or the degree to which we can feel a certain frequency.

Emotions are fields of information that get stored in the crystal over time. Early emotional programming becomes magnetic information that will affect the type of experiences drawn to the crystal, repelled from the crystal, as well as the way information will be stored going forward. Emotions reflect our subconscious conditioning as well as our habits. The experience of an emotion is a highly subjective experience because it engages the entire crystal’s body of information.

A negative attitude can restrict the range of experience to a narrow band regardless of the information or potential emotional experience possible. The experience of anger is a good example of an emotion that can become the habitual response to any uncomfortable emotion, either a negative or positive one.

A positive attitude will integrate lower frequency emotions into higher frequencies. For example, appreciation can integrate nearly all other frequencies of emotions, which is why it is so powerful, and why gratitude practices and journals are powerful tools to develop emotional well-being. To improve emotional coherence and experience higher frequencies of emotions require conscious awareness, conscious practice, and an environment that is conducive to the frequencies.

We can consciously examine our relationship to each frequency of emotion. Through this process we can clear, enhance, and bring coherence to our emotional body. This process can also pre-frame our awareness by expanding our subjective ability to experience and elicit different emotions. Emotional well-being can enhance all experiences, and our experience of our body, and body parts because it affects all other spheres, and all the other spheres influence our emotional experiences.

Emotion Frequencies Chart
Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 3 Navel

The navel sphere is our metaphysical connection to consciousness and where we draw the greatest amount of creative energy and information from. We experience this informational predominantly as desire. Our conscious and unconscious desires govern behavior, decisions, and our ability to plan.

A desire is information that guides us to expand our crystal. The way we process a desire is highly susceptible to early conditioning and habits. Desires can therefore be either positive and life-affirming or negative and destructive depending on our attitude towards ourselves and life. When any other sphere is discordant it affects our desires, and how we interpret them, and the actions we take. When several spheres are discordant the subjective experience of a desire can be painful, which often leads to addictive behaviors as a mechanism to cope with the experience.

A positive attitude expands the ability to interpret the information received through this center. A positive attitude also expands the ways in which a desire can be nourished. Desires can be fulfilled through physical, emotional, mental, and metaphysical means. Desires can be released which makes their energy available for other uses. Desires can also consciously be transmuted into different desires. Mastering desire is the foundation of an expanded consciousness because it drives all behavior and information exchange with every other sphere.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 4 Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus: Willpower, Confidence, Self-Assurance

The solar plexus governs the information pertaining to the subjective self that the crystal thinks it is, the ego. This information is predominantly experienced as our willpower, confidence, and self-assurance. In a homogenized society or unhealthy family system this sphere is discordant, and it prevents authentic self-love, self-development, healthy individuation, independence, and the fulfillment of the crystal’s unique creative destiny.

A negative attitude reflects a personality that has been programmed to see itself as a victim stuck in a world incapable of achieving its goals and fulfilling its desires effectively. A positive attitude reflects a personality that had the opportunity to develop its willpower, sense of unique self, and set healthy boundaries which are required for the expansion of consciousness. When this sphere is discordant it has a significant effect on all spheres, particularly the higher spheres because they are an expansion of the crystals subjective experience, reality, and authentic expression which requires a coherent sense of self and willpower.

To bring greater coherence to this sphere requires the development of a skill, like drawing, writing, singing, dancing, or a craft, that automatically expands this sphere. When this sphere is engaged it automatically developments the will and the subjective experience of the self that is practicing the skill. The skill needs to be developed to the degree that it becomes a unique expression, which reflects a coherent sense of self, confidence, and self-assurance.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 5 Heart

Heart: Connection, Compassion, Universal Love

The heart governs the integration of information of all spheres. First it integrates all the information in the lower spheres that will govern the overall health and well-being of the crystal. This specifically includes the subjective experience of itself, all other crystals, and its physical environment. Secondly it expands its sphere and its coherence by channeling information to the higher spheres that govern balance, expression, mental capabilities, and the crystal’s connection to the rest of the manifested realms and worlds.

A negative attitude is a crystal with discord in the lower centers that prevent coherent integration of information. This attitude reflects a personality that can be defensive, arrogant, dismissive, anxious, aggressive, passive, depressive, or restless. A positive attitude shows some degree of coherence in the lower spheres of information. It will reflect a personality that is tolerant, understanding, forgiving, compassionate, open-minded, peaceful, calm, engaged with life, with more harmonious connections with other crystals and life.

To increase coherence in this sphere requires conscious awareness of the health of all the lower centers, the development of their coherence, and conscious harmonious integration of physical, emotional, and sense information.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 6 Thyroid

Thyroid: Transformation, Hormones, Metabolism

The thyroid sphere governs the expansion of the heart center and a greater capacity for information transmission through the entire crystal. This sphere of information is subjectively experienced as a desire for growth, transformation, expansion of consciousness, and achieving a greater sense of internal balance.

This balance is achieved by integrating information extremes in the form of our traits, values, beliefs, habits, emotions, and desires. The extremes within the crystal are subjectively experienced as the feminine and masculine aspects of the psyche.

A positive attitude is open to change, transformation, and uses feedback to achieve inner harmony and balance. A negative attitude would ignore, or discard feedback based on existing beliefs, habits, values, and desires.

Creating increased coherence in this sphere is a very individual process because it lays the foundation for true authenticity, transparency, and our unique way of being. The elements that require transformation for increased balance and harmony requires the self-love developed through the heart center because it relies on the ability to accept all parts of ourselves and the feedback, as well as integrate the information in a coherent way that allows it to affect our behavior, beliefs, emotions, and desires.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 7 Throat

Throat: Communication, Expression, Authenticity

The throat center represents the avenue of expression for all the crystal’s information. Every center affects the throat, and the throat affects all centers. The expression of information is the way consciousness communicates with itself; therefore, it is a primary driver of the evolutionary expansion of consciousness.

A coherent throat center transmits a higher refined frequency that has a lot of power to influence its own crystal, other crystals, and the environment to a greater degree over a longer period. A discordant center may be able to have a powerful immediate impact, but its information will have decreased power over time and space because of the lack of harmony and integration that is possible.

Depending on the development of our own information crystal we will attract, repel, and integrate information from other sources in different ways. Some crystals are not capable of communicating with each other effectively because of the degree of difference in their crystals, so information will not be heard, seen, felt, or it will quickly be forgotten, or it will be misinterpreted. Science and religion are good examples of information that share a set of guidelines for humans to achieve greater expansion and harmony that is carried through time.

A negative attitude will communicate discordant information that is inconsistent. A positive attitude will communicate coherent information to various degrees that is more consistent, harmonious, beneficial, honest, and transparent. What a crystal body has access to will therefore determine what they express. What crystals express are always a reflection of the subjective information each have gathered and have access to.

To increase coherence in this center requires balance in all centers, access to inner truth, and the self-assurance that leads to authentic expression.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 8 Eye

Eye: Vision, Imagination, Visualization

The eye center makes the information from other centers visible, which is expanded form of awareness, to the degree that the crystal is capable of processing the information. It is the primary way that an information crystal can access more information about itself, other crystals, and the environment. The sphere accesses information from the physical and metaphysical realms.

A crystal with an expansive positive attitude will be able to process greater degrees of information from a greater degree of sources. This attitude is subjectively experienced as an expanded perspective on any subject, experience, and situation. An expanded perspective leads to greater understanding, insights, intuitive awareness, creative results, and more efficient solutions.

A crystal with a contracted negative attitude is restricting the amount of information it has access to because it is not capable of processing it coherently. A good example of this is people who access information from the subconscious or metaphysical arenas while others consider it impossible or false information because their subjective experience is governing their opinion. What crystals communicate is a reflection if their own information warehouse.

To increase the coherence in this sphere takes practice and consistent efforts. Some crystals are designed to access more information in order to fulfill their creative potential and will therefore show greater achievements that rely on this sphere.

Human Body Chakras Energy Centre 9 Crown

Crown: Knowledge, Self-Realization, Spirituality

The crown governs intellectual, intuitive, and higher knowledge as it connects to the field of consciousness. Information in this sphere is subjectively experienced as thoughts, thinking, intuitive information, and knowledge without thought.

Coherence in this sphere is subjectively experienced as a calm mind with an expansive sense of time and space. Discord in this sphere is subjectively experienced as mental clutter, an excess of thought, too much thinking, confusion, fear, inner and outer conflict, stress, loneliness, anger, and frustration.

A negative attitude restricts the amount of information it can access to various degrees through various tactics. A positive attitude allows a greater amount if information to be accessed. A neutral attitude achieves balance through integration of knowledge into a coherent system that allows the crystal to navigate its unique path most effectively.

Intellectual knowledge is information crystals share with each other. Intuitive knowledge is information that consciousness shares with itself through the crystal. Higher knowledge is the information consciousness shares with crystals from an expanded range of sources. The degree of coherence in this sphere will determine the type of information the crystal has access to, to what degree, the degree of clarity, and consistency that it is capable of.

Greater degrees of coherence are subjectively experienced as greater sense of self, a non-self or as consciousness experiencing itself, and consciously communicating with itself.

Balancing intellectual knowledge with intuition allows crystals to subjectively experience more harmony, simplicity, easier access to everything they need such as information, answers, physical resources, opportunities, and anything else that the crystal needs on its particular path to its authentic fulfillment.

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