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The Body, Health & Well-being

The Body, Health & well-being by Nathalie Strassburg

An Introduction to the body as an expression of our consciousness, Defining Disease & Health, How to Respond to Disease or Discomfort, Expanding our Consciousness and Healing.


The body is the physical expression of consciousness. It is only one aspect of our greater body of consciousness. The body is a physical representation of our individual consciousness, psyche, and the personality we know ourselves as. It is a collection of parts, roles, and an energetic system of information, past, present, and future. Any discomfort or disease in the body reflects an imbalance in the psyche. The best way to tend to the body is through the psyche.

With this understanding it is clear why some individuals choose to express any imbalance through mental or physical disease. Any symptoms are forms of communication and for our benefit.

I realize that for some this may be a completely new way of thinking about the body, health, and well-being. If you are reading this then you are ready to expand your consciousness, and you will be guided to test this understanding for yourself from where you are and what you know.

For more information about the complete process of self-realization, the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of our being, and the 64 lessons we come to master in life, read A Guide to Self-Realization.

Defining Disease & Health

As the physical expression of our consciousness our mind and body will bring our attention to parts of ourselves that need attention through disease, discomfort, or illness. Disease is anything that lets us know the body is not in perfect balance. Disease in general is healthy, it is part of all the cooperative interactions that takes place that makes the physical expression possible, and for most part our body will do all the work for us as it maintains optimal health and balance in the same way it manages our breath and heartbeat.

When our body lets us know that it is struggling to do the work it is because we are interfering with its ability to heal in some way. It is only when it becomes extreme that the body or mind will manifest symptoms to bring our conscious attention to it. Now, when this happens it is up to us to respond in the most beneficial way possible to assist the body in its process. Some of us have been conditioned to do the opposite, even if we do not realize it, by reinforcing the state.

Health is the natural state of the body. It is what the body is designed to be, and it will always work for our greatest health, balance, and well-being in every way. Our responsibility is to support this state of health in every way we can through our every belief, thought, word, action, feeling, emotion, intention, and response.

How to Respond to Disease or Discomfort

When our body reaches a state where there is an imbalance that is significant enough it will alert us to it through symptoms. Symptoms are the way our individual cells come together cooperatively to communicate to the rest of the body that is wants support.

Symbolically the disease or discomfort is reflected in the most appropriate place for us. This means that where and how disease manifest is highly subjective phenomenon based on our own experience, beliefs, body of information, and ultimately our unique destiny and purpose.

The simplest way to understand and interpret the body’s communication through symptoms is to see the part that is diseased, in pain, or discomfort as a part of our psyche that is literally asking for love.

Our conscious mind may not have any idea which part of us this is, but we can still respond to it. We do this through our belief, thought, word, action, feeling, emotion, intention, and response.

Here is the format for communicating back to your body:

“Thank you for coming together to communicate with me body. Thank you for helping me learn and grow so that I can expand my consciousness in every way I can. Thank you for choosing this way to help me learn. I believe that we are one system and that as you work for my optimal health and well-being I now too will work for our collective health and well-being. Please continue to guide me in any way you can as I learn.”

“I see now that this beautiful body is one aspect of my consciousness expressing itself creatively. I now choose thoughts that bring new awareness and expanded perspectives. I want to love every part of me. I choose to fill every part of me with love in every way I can. Thank you that I can grow in love in every way every day. I now fill this part _______ of me with love in every way I can.”

“I touch this part _______ with loving hands and thoughts. I feel the love I choose to bring into my body through my conscious awareness. I now touch this part and breathe love into it. Thank you that I can breathe love into every part of me. I will take any actions I can that will empower my health and well-being in every way I can. I trust that I am guided in every way in the most beneficial ways possible. If I need the help or support of anyone, including those I believe are professional representatives for health, I will reach out to them, as symbolic representations to help me as I work through my own learning process.”

“I love the part of me that is diseased, in pain or discomfort. I love the part of me that is feeling______. Thank you that we can use this means to help me learn higher truth about the nature of consciousness and its physical expression. I love every part of me.”

“I love every part of me in every way. I am filling every part of me with love in every way through my intention to now be healthy, balanced, and well in every way. I now clear any psychological debris that I may have placed as obstacles or defenses to radiant perfect health.”

“As I am learning to expand my ability to fill myself with love, I will continue to repeat this process, embrace new beliefs, thoughts, actions, feelings, emotions, intentions, and empowered responses.”

“I love the part of me that is diseased, in pain or discomfort. I love the part of me that is feeling______. I love the parts of me that are communicating directly with me to bring health, balance, and well-being. Thank you to every part of me.”

“I fill every part of me with the highest frequencies of love, truth, and light. Bless me in every way, bless my every belief, thought, word, action, feeling, emotion, intention, and response with the highest frequencies in every way.”

Expanding our Consciousness and Healing

Expanding our consciousness and our ability to bring love into every aspect of our consciousness, including our body, is a gradual process. We can heal any part of our physical body through this process. The effectiveness relies on our intent, intensity, belief, and consistency.

The above affirmative words, thoughts, and actions can be repeated as often as possible. They are especially powerful before going to sleep, when we wake up during the night, and first thing in the morning. You can literally repeat them non-stop the whole day long.

As long as we release any contradicting beliefs, thoughts, or actions, our consciousness and body will respond to the new input, it cannot be otherwise. Depending on the part and type of disease or discomfort the healing time can vary. Realize that disease will only ever remain present, or return, if it is for our benefit, if there is still more that we can learn.

Learning through the body and disease is just one way we can learn to master our lessons and go through the process of psychological integration.

For more information about the complete process of self-realization, the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of our being, and the 64 lessons we come to master in life, read A Guide to Self-Realization.

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The Art of Self-Love

The Art of Self Love by Nathalie Strassburg

SHORTCUTS: Sel- Love First, The Languages of Self-Love, The Spectrum of Self

Self-Love First

Others reflect the love we give to ourselves, prove it to yourself. We can only care for another’s emotional well-being when we know how to care for our own. Honesty and acceptance allow us to open a secret door to our inner self. Intimacy is about seeing, feeling, hearing, understanding and knowing our authentic true self. Authentic Self love is the highest vibration frequency in this world. This means meeting our needs, and giving to ourselves what we would want someone else to give to us. Self sacrifice, and selfishness are the lower vibrations of self love.

The Languages of Self Love

Words of Self-affirmation

Encouragement, appreciation, empathy, honesty, listening to ourselves, focussing on our higher self. Showing ourselves compassion and speaking kindly to ourselves. Soothe ourselves during stressful times with positive statements and affirming truths. Daily use of Personal affirmations – listening, writing, reading, speaking, chanting, and singing. Journaling to understand one self, recognize our gifts, heal, and grow.

Gifts of Self-Love

Cultivating self awareness. Thoughtful gifts and gestures from the heart, and with expressions of gratitude. Gifts that nourish our mind, body, soul and spirit. Recognizing all the gifts we receive by just being alive, recognizing that the source of all we have is life, nothing really belongs to any of us. This sets us free. Being grateful to life is receiving a gift, it fills us. Investing in ourselves. Making our thoughts our best friends. Recognizing our efforts and being open to feedback for growth. Having patience with our own growth. Relaxing and taking time to enjoy just being.

Acts of Self-Service

Action phrases that affirm positive beliefs, supports growth, releases grievances. Doing what is in our best interest and for the highest benefit of all. Meeting our needs in healthy ways. Meeting our emotional needs. Developing talents and interests. Making our physical and emotional well being our priority and our responsibility to the greatest degree possible. Following our authentic joy. Being authentic. Cultivating higher aspirations for our life. Facing our pain, healing the past and opening our hearts. Saying No. Saying no to co-dependency and yes to interdependency. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Living a higher purpose. Friendship. Living with positive intentions and empowering others. Balance in giving and receiving support.

Quality Self-Time

Uninterrupted and focused conversations, writing, journaling, using a diary, recording, prayer, any one-on-one time with ourselves. Stillness is quality time. Meditation. Contemplation and introspection. Self-inquiry. Creative expression. Honoring ourselves, our feelings, and our needs. Doing something special or unusual for ourselves. Reading or watching uplifting content. Time in Nature. Rest, recovery, and sleep.

Being Present in our Body

Non-verbal expressions such as touch, cuddling, stroking, massage, moving meditations, acts of self-care, long baths, warm shower, spa, exercise, hygiene, grooming, pampering, masturbating, tantra, yoga, dancing, qigong etc. Learning to trust our body’s inner wisdom.  Paying attention to ourselves, our feelings, our thoughts, and being mindful.

The Spectrum of the Self

Physical Aspect

This is us as the Liberator, and the highest manifestation is Love. The skills we develop are Intuition (Intuiting) and Willing (Affirming). This is the field of Self-Love and Love of Others.

Instinctive self – Server: to help.

Tribal self – Nurtuer. to nurture.

Emotional Aspect

This is us as the Actor, and the highest manifestation is Grace. The skills we develop are Judging (Contemplation) and Feeling (Compassion). This is the field of Integrated Psychology.

Emotional self – Sage: to train.

Rational self – Scholar: to learn.

Spiritual Aspect

This is us as the Inquirer, and the highest manifestation is Peace. The skills we develop are Prospecting (Investigation) and Sensing (Sensation). This is the field of Ecological Science.

Achiever self – Warrior: to achieve.

Ecological self – Priest/Priestess: to aspire.

Mental Aspect

This is us as the Creator, and the highest manifestation is Joy. The skills we develop are Observation (Observing) and Imagination (Concentration). This is the field of Arts and Culture.

Integrated self – King/Queen: to be a role model.

Holistic self – Higher Self: to create.

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Unify Consciousness – The spectrum of the self

Unify Consciousness - Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Mental Bodies by Nathalie Strassburg

We can understand ourselves through 4 primary areas of development: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. Balance is achieved when these areas are in harmony with each other. Everything is about the relationship with our self. Read more about The Art of Self Love.

To integrate or unify our consciousness into a harmonious whole we must consider each aspect of our self. Within each of us we find the: instinctive self, tribal self, emotional self, rational self, achiever self, ecological self, integrated self, and holistic self. Each one of these selves has different needs and each is integrated into the next before holism is achieved.

Think of it as a playful road map of the self that we can use for the path of self-realization or self-fulfillment.

The Spectrum of the Self

Physical Aspect

This is us as the Liberator, and the highest manifestation is Love. The skills we develop are Willing (Affirmation) and Intuition (Intuiting). This is the field of Self-Love and Love of Others.

Instinctive self – Server: to help.

Tribal self – Nurtuer. to nurture.

Emotional Aspect

This is us as the Actor, and the highest manifestation is Grace. The skills we develop are Feeling (Compassion) and Judging (Contemplation). This is the field of Integrated Psychology.

Emotional self – Sage: to train.

Rational self – Scholar: to learn.

Spiritual Aspect

This is us as the Inquirer, and the highest manifestation is Peace. The skills we develop are Prospecting (Investigation) and Sensing (Sensation). This is the field of Ecological Science.

Achiever self – Warrior: to achieve.

Ecological self – Priest/Priestess: to aspire.

Mental Aspect

This is us as the Creator, and the highest manifestation is Joy. The skills we develop are Observation (Observing) and Imagination (Concentration). This is the field of Arts and Culture.

Integrated self – King/Queen: to be a role model.

Holistic self – Higher Self: to create

Purpose is not a future goal; it is something we are doing in every single moment. Everything that comes into our space is there so that we can fulfill the purpose presented to us in the moment.

If we find ourselves in an unhappy place it is because we have not learned how to make ourselves happy. If we see things in the world or our life that we do not like, then it is because there are parts in ourselves that we are not in harmony with.  For example, if your life is complicated then you have not integrated the part of you that loves simplicity. We all have all parts; we cannot deny parts of ourselves without feeling and seeing the consequences.     

Painful experiences teach us about vulnerability and when we have tough experiences it often reflects a great unconscious desire to transcend the shadow frequency. Nothing is without reason; every moment has a purpose it fulfills. Fears are always gateways to higher awareness. When we stop seeing suffering as such, and choose to see the opportunity it brings then we do not suffer.

We are not the character/roles/personality, we are really the player. We can expand our consciousness to see the ebb and flow of events, with appreciation or compassion, but without losing ourselves in it. 

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