An empowered individual is optimistic and chooses to live with a growth mind set that is open for continuous expansion. When someone owns their power, they have gained in their level of self-awareness to a degree that they feel empowered and capable. An individual that is empowered does not have a fearful or distrusting relationship with themselves or life. Scientific, religious, academic, and spiritual endeavor all really share the intention of cultivating trust in ourselves, or the system.
So why do we disown our power?
Attachment Styles & Conditioning
Fear has a powerful influence on our behavior. A small percentage of people are estimated to become emotionally mature adults in our current stage of evolution. Currently only about 50% of the population in a country like the USA have a secure attachment style. The rest are spending a significant amount of time in fear. Fearful people feel powerless on some level, about something, or many things. Powerlessness is something that can set in the first 7 years of life when we are in a Theta brain wave state and programmed by our environment.
The Design
We are energy or spirit embodied. In this embodiment there is a set of defined mechanics that govern the world, like day and night, the seasons, and larger solar cycles. Our lives, our civilizations, economies, and social systems go through cycles. Think of it like a game setup, while the characters are free to do what they want we are still running on a system with a set of parameters, with smaller and larger cycles, like a holographic fractal. That is why psychological projection is the foundation of our experience. The world we see with our eyes is not the true reality, we live in a multidimensional field of consciousness.
There are psychological patterns that define human experience like any of the cycles in nature. We embody a spectrum of consciousness that is defined by polarities, happy and sad, angry, and peaceful, etc. True peace lies in integrating all polarities and being free from attachment while being able to enjoy a prosperous life. That is why an ancient binary system like the I Ching is so fascinating in the study of nature’s cycles and human consciousness. Introspection and contemplation are powerful tools in gaining greater self awareness.
How do we reclaim our Power?
When we take life personal, we see ourselves as separate from others. We imagine ourselves a body and a victim in a scary world, that we see evidence for, but never question that our perception may be based on our beliefs. It is only our thoughts that can scare us, but what if nobody ever tells us that?
When we expand our consciousness, we start to integrate suppressed, disowned, denied, and rejected parts of our consciousness. This is where transformation, emotional well being, spirituality, therapy, and psychology all come together. We get to a stage where we can choose to, and can consciously integrate our seemingly good and bad aspects, and learn to live in a state of greater inner harmony, universal acceptance, and love. Becoming emotionally mature is a part of evolution, a part of the game design. When we cultivate this state of awareness we no longer judge ourselves or others because we always choose to understand from a more holistic perspective. As we integrate ourselves, we can see spirit and the game for what it is and see the joy, and beauty that was hidden in the thought fog.
Acceptance, Self-Love & Authentic Power
Authentic power comes from Self-love. Self-Love starts with acceptance, self-care and understanding our self, objectively, which requires commitment, compassion, and forgiveness. When we are self-aware, we trust our intuition, we trust how we will respond to life and thus feel secure inside without the need for external security. Once we know how to give ourselves these core stability gifts, we can and want to give it to others too.
Our universal human purpose is to achieve this level of the game, to embody the higher self, and then encourage others to empower themselves. We can learn to embody a much greater flow of energy and live an authentic life where we feel fulfilled because it is designed that way. Each life is unique and always relative to the subjective journey and experience of the individual. Trust is the vital ingredient in the quest called life.
Assess your life and current relationships for authentic joy and honesty – clean relationships up in the most suitable way and create healthy boundaries.
Let go of all grievances.
Do more things, more of the time that you enjoy. Discover things that brings you inner peace, authentic joy, a sense of well being or contentment.
Encourage yourself no matter what.
Learn to trust life, yourself, and your intuition.
Make decisions from your higher self perspective so that you are in harmony with life, and thus your unique design and life path.
Advaita Vedanta
There is a school of Hindu philosophy called Advaita Vedanta, a form of self-inquiry, which is about 2800 years old, that explains the world is mind-based (Maya – Sanskrit: “magic” or “illusion”), a projection, and that the goal is self-realization, to know ourselves as the source, as the divine presence. The modern equivalent is called self-actualization in psychology. I became interested in this subject because of my experiences. Advaita Vedanta is a path to inner peace and liberation.
Have you ever wondered why life is the way it is? Have you noticed the patterns and the cycles that keep repeating? Have you ever thought that something about life or yourself is fake? Did you ever wonder why we are obsessed with love? Do you wonder why we love games so much? Do you ever wonder why everything has a polarity? Do you wonder why fear seems illogical at time? Did you ever consider that life has no inherit meaning? Did you ever consider that life is a game of pretend and make beliefs?
The psychology of projection shows us that we are an actor to others, and play the movie director casting actors in roles in our own fantasy, created from childhood conditioning, fears, and desires. Read more about this in Life as a Game.
My experience taught me that we can learn to see the bigger picture, and play from a higher perspective that leads to emotional freedom, inner peace, authentic joy, and a deep sense of fulfillment.
Birth Design
When we are conceived there is an energetic signature as light combines. As we develop our being is conditioned by the energetic fields in the environment we are in. When we are born we come into a very specific set of energetic frequencies that form a part of our development as our physical bodies start to interact with the outside environment and relationships are formed.
Spectrum of Consciousness
Polarities form the basis of our existence, we can study the spectrum of light, and there is a set of parameters to all the things we can experience, feel, and see around us. We are each a full spectrum being, containing good and bad. Patterns exist everywhere and at all levels. Everything we do, think and say matters to the universe as it evolves through us. We have so much more power than we realize. We are at the edge of creation, creating.
Attachment Style
From birth we begin to respond to the relationship our primary caregiver has with themselves. We will mirror and reflect how they feel about themselves. This provides us with core traits, fears, and desires that create the setup for our subjective game.
This initial setup is referred to as Attachment Theory in psychology. There are videos and other research available on the internet. Keep in mind that emotional needs are absolutely vital for survival, as we learned in studies where babies actually started dying when only their physical needs were met.
Insecure < > Secure < > Insecure
There are various classifications but in general there is a secure group and an insecure group (currently estimated to be 50% each in countries like the USA). Those who can form secure close attachments had their emotional needs met most of the time, feel they can trust others, and believe relationships are important and valuable.
The insecure group have developed relationship coping mechanisms in order to survive because they did not have their emotional needs met, do no feel safe, and do not trust to various degrees. The two extremes (about 25% each) are avoidant / dismissive and anxious. The two extremes do not know how to care for their own emotional well being. They come together in families and are attracted to each other in romantic relationships where they form dysfunctional and co-dependent dynamics. There is also a disorganized / disoriented classification.
Understanding this spectrum changed my life. We must understand that there is also an evolutionary purpose to this dynamic. In one study where they put a mixed group together in a room and then had smoke come out of a computer each group responded differently: The dismissive / avoidant left the room first without saying anything – these are the individuals who often bring new ideas into the world and dedicate their lives to achievement or excellence. The anxious group left the room next, but they first told some of the others there was a problem – these are often individuals who dedicate their lives to service. The securely attached individuals were the last to leave the room, some just following the others.
Childhood Conditioning
Our childhood conditioning provides us with the rest of the data that we will use to create our lives with. In order to fit into our family and the current culture we develop the relationship strategies and character traits that are approved of by our family and community, and we suppress, disown, reject or deny the parts of ourselves that our family/ community/ culture find less acceptable. These parts that are suppressed, disowned, rejected or denied will become the parts we see in others and the world until they are owned, accepted and embraced. To understand how this works study the psychology of projection, learn more about Emotional Well Being, and you can also read Life as a Game.
As we incarnate into this world we go through cycles of development and growth. For the first 7 years we experience the world primarily through our physical bodies, we absorb and explore.
We are literally in Theta brain wave state, and being programmed, like a form of hypnosis.
The second 7 year cycle is about emotional development and the third cycle is about intellectual development. The cycles then repeat throughout our lives.
For example, feeling powerless in any situation will remain with us for resolution. Anger masks fear and is a consequence of feeling powerless. Any experience during a cycle that we do not understand or that we are not able to integrate or resolve will remain in our system for resolution until the next opportunity or cycle.
The Psychology of Projection
What is in our mind will determine what we create, like a hard drive. This is why childhood conditioning is our toolbox with which we create, for better or worse, unless we consciously grow and expand our consciousness.
Images we see are desires and fears projected outward, and this is what we think we see, what we think is real and what we base our behavior on.
Everything we see is a projection from our mind. There is no objective reality. Everything we see reflects our own consciousness because we filter all information through our consciousness. This is the foundation of the psychology of projection, one of the primary tools that psychologists and therapists use today.
Everything we see in another is something we either acknowledge or suppress, reject, deny, or disown in ourselves. Anything someone else sees in us reflects their consciousness, otherwise they would not see it. Both positive and negative.
Shadow Work
Shadow work is the conscious process to understand what we see in others, how it reflects us, and what we can learn from it. I believe all relationships are meant for this purpose. Everyone is here to teach us something about ourselves so that we can fully integrate our consciousness.
Every bit of unresolved emotional pattern that we reintegrate is like a piece of gold that we mine. All parts are equally valuable in terms of consciousness integration, good and bad, because they are not real in themselves, they are just the basis of perception that creates the game.
When we are attracted to someone this is a clear indicator that we can learn something with that person. Nothing is random. Attraction does not mean we are meant to be together or compatible. We are like molecules that fit together. Through greater awareness and shadow work we can truly liberate our relationships.
Opportunities for Resolution & Expansion
I believe that there is no inherit meaning in the world and that we use our free will to assign meaning. While we think up all kinds of reasons for the things we do, we are really nature evolving itself. We live our purpose every moment of every day because every thought, word and action is an act of creation that expands consciousness. In other words we are always living our purpose.
For expansion to occur the universe integrates and unifies.
Evolutionary biologists see the dynamics of species as they evolve and to them it is clear that humans are currently in our young adult years where we learn how to work together and form beneficial relationships with those around us because conflict is no longer efficient. This means that allot of what we are doing here is cleaning up, integrating, releasing and refining. We are really learning The Art of Self Love. The relationship with ourselves come first, that is really what it is about, the relationship we have with ourselves will be reflected back to us. When we get to know ourselves we develop appreciation for the skills and traits we have. A personalized I Ching profile and report can be a great starting point for self exploration.
Every single situation or experience is in truth for no other purpose than to purify our physical, emotional and mental bodies. Every experience contains a piece of gold. The people and situations in our life are not random, they cannot be because energy is magnetic, and what comes to us is for our evolutionary benefit. When we embrace this dynamic we no longer take everything personally and we can see life from a more holistic perspective.
Rules of the Game
There are principles, laws and rules to the game that are impersonal. These are laws that are fundamental to time/space physics and energy dynamics. Read The Rules of the Game for the whole list.
The path less traveled is the path to self fulfillment and self actualization.
There are two primary levels in the game, ego level and higher self level. All fears belong to the ego and are doorways to the higher self. The goal of the game is to clean our system so that we can host our higher self.
Nobody is a victim here, in any way. It is the victim mindset that we transcend when we learn to elevate ourselves above fearful reactions.
When we recognize that the source of all we have is life, that nothing really belongs to any of us it sets us free from worldly / material attachment which causes the experience of suffering.
Because perspectives and perceptions are learned we must learn to choose our beliefs and act accordingly.
Anything is possible when we believe wholeheartedly and act in harmony with life and our higher self.
While many still live in denial of our higher spiritual nature, it is only a matter of time because it is what this whole game is designed for. Once our system is purified, we have expanded sufficiently to become the host to our greater energetic self, and this presence is unmistakable. Once we are no longer value the ego and the material world above our spiritual nature we enter into a different level of the game. Everything is designed to push us towards opportunities that will allow for the greatest expansion. There is allot of information about mythology, archetypes, and the hero’s journey because it is such an integral part of the game. We find these themes repeating in our movies, games, and fantasies because we are living them ourselves even if we are not aware of it.
A call to adventure is an experience or situation that requires us to open our mind, face the unknown, our limiting beliefs and fears. A call to adventure starts with a catalyst, it can be any emotionally charged situation, and end or a beginning, or when our ego has been wounded. For example: a death, a birth, a new relationship, end of a relationship, a vision, a visitor, financial or other loss, an accident, an illness, trauma, and global or regional events like a pandemic. The event charge must be big enough that it creates an opening for new awareness.
Accepting the call is another story because there is free will we always have a choice. Due to conditioning many of us avoid or fear pain and suffering without realizing that it is just as important as the good stuff. Suffering is really a gift for transformation and growth. Being depressed or unhappy is a sign that you are ready to move to a higher level but are refusing consciously or unconsciously. We will be presented with opportunities all the time because it is what we are here for.
When we accept the call to expand, we enter a process of alchemy and transformation. This process is ongoing and unique for each of us. Through my own experience I have outlined the basic structure of the process. Read about the Process of Transformation.
The process of transformation is about moving from a frequency of fear to a frequency of love. The process includes a catalyst, a period of solitude, health and diet changes, a healthy environment, self-inquiry, expanding our perspective of life, releasing old thoughts, emotions and beliefs, learning self-love, growing in self awareness, regaining complete trust in life, inviting higher consciousness, experiencing inner peace, creating inner stillness, expanding our ability to experience gratitude and joy.
Personalized I Ching Profile & report
Take a look at the Personalized I Ching Profile and Reports that you can order on this website, it includes a large poster that you can print. The profile is based on astrology, and inspired by the I Ching, and systems based on the I Ching like Human Design, and the Gene Keys. The profile is a tool to get to know ourselves better. The I Ching is a wise book for contemplation based on binary (64 themes). Through this work we can expand our consciousness, integrate all aspects of ourselves and learn to trust life. Learn more about Self-Realization.