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Life as a Game

Life as a Game by Nathalie Strassburg

After sincere long-term consideration, I think that life is a game, a game of spiritual transformation, and the name of the game is “Who do I think I am?”

‘A Game’ is the only perspective where everything makes sense to me. It does not mean I am right, but it does mean that I am brave enough to share my opinion.

The experiences I have had in my life are unbelievable to many people. I am living evidence that nothing here is what it seems.

Everything we see is a projection from our mind. The mind has an image of what it desires, judges as valuable and then seeks to find it. These images are projected outward, and this is what we think we see, what we think is real and what we base our behavior on. What we see is unique for each of us. What we see in others is a reflection of our own consciousness. Therefore, what is in our mind will determine what we create. This is why childhood conditioning and the past is our toolbox with which we create, both the positive and negative, unless we consciously release the past, grow and expand ourselves continuously. Every word we speak and every thought we consciously think is our inherited creative ability to manifest in this world. Liberation is about expanding our consciousness so that we can see ourselves and the world for what it truly is. There are an infinite number of paths to this truth.

We are an actor to others, and play the movie director casting actors in roles in our own fantasy, created from childhood conditioning, fears, and desires.

We lose our Self in make-believe-I-am-a-some-body, sometimes with hundreds of roles. This is the ego’s games, but we are not the characters, we are truly the players. We can create whatever we want, none of them were real or ever will be. Nothing needs to be forgiven because it never really happened. Our vehicle has an expiry date, but we do not.

We can clear ourselves of roles through conscious release, and take the necessary action to liberate our relationships. This is part of the process of transformation.

Question every single moment, remain present as the player to see the truth for yourself. Nothing is what we think it is.

Liberate yourself.

Imagine your vehicle has an entire spectrum of possibilities when it comes to skill and trait development like a dashboard in the best game you can imagine. Most of us only develop the skills and traits that our parents wanted or did not want us to because it kept us safe, got their approval or attention.

Imagine for a moment you are none of those things, that none of it was real, that the past truly does not exist. What would you think then, or do, or where would you go if you had nothing to hold you?

People experience purposelessness because they are looking for purpose based on limiting beliefs. Every moment is our purpose. Every moment we are making choices that affect our consciousness and therefore our development and transformation.

When we actually allow ourselves to let life be, it feels almost orchestrated.

Our quests and challenges come in the form of limiting beliefs, conditioning, fears and desires. They are doorways to our greater Self.  

We deny ourselves the magic when we let limiting beliefs and our fears dictate our reality. For most of my life I was lost in what I thought others wanted me to be. What I genuinely wanted required me to surrender to a force I did not know in a world I did not trust. The most challenging part was letting go of all the things I had filled my life with, without questioning any of it.  We can get stuck so easily, taking life seriously when it is never intended to be that.

When we remove all but the essential from our life, things become a whole lot simpler and clearer. When we become discerning about how and with whom we spend our time things can become meaningful.

If we trust that the universe will bring to us exactly what we need in every moment to grow, then life can be an adventure.

When we can be present as the player, we have access to a greater range of skills, abilities, and information. It is a more resourceful state.

Our minds are a tool to process information and our bodies are a learning tool for the mind. If we look at the world as a game we remain curious, and alert for clues and learning opportunities.

When we make no assumptions about anything then the universe can communicate directly with us. Be free from limiting beliefs. It is really the ultimate adventure. It is a wild ride where things are not in our control, all we have is free will to choose. Make the changes you want inside of yourself first. If we want to feel more love, then we must do things for ourselves that make us feel loved. We must expand your idea of what love is, and claim our creative power.     

True freedom only comes when the game is recognized for what it is. It is not resolved from the level of the mind.

Salvation is in the last place we will look for it, inside ourselves. Nobody is victim here in any way whatsoever. You are your liberator.

We become the evidence of truth.

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A Different Kind of Love

A different kind of love - by Nathalie Strassburg

True intimacy is taking another as yourself, loving them as yourself. That is why self-love comes first. Only when we love ourselves unconditionally do we become capable of loving another in a clean aura of love.

Love is corrupted by fear. In a world where fear dominates, we are unable to discern between love and fear unless we raise our frequency into one of love. Through the frequency of fear love becomes guilt. When guilt is the foundation of any relationship it cannot be harmonious. Guilt creates a great deal of stress and leads to compulsive actions taken out of fear, in an attempt to cover up the underlying feelings of fear and guilt. Fear is the foundation of any co-dependent relationship.

When we do not love ourselves, we use people to project unresolved emotional patterns on. It cannot be otherwise because we are energy. Energy that continuously seeks balance and equilibrium. True intimacy sees no separation between you and the other. We can understand that everything is a relationship.

True intimacy can only exist in a field of love which is created through integrity and honesty.

Each of us are powerful creative beings, which means that just one party in a relationship has to create through a frequency of fear in order to affect the entire relationship. Every single thought, word and action is either taken from a frequency of love or fear, every creative act has a charge, which means nothing is neutral. That is why honesty is an integral part of unconditional love and acceptance.

Like attracts like, fear can bring people together just as much as love can. In so many cases it is fear of intimacy, fear of rejection and fear of lack that bring people together so that we can see in each other what we fear the most. It is only when we believe in a lack of love and see it as a scare commodity that it becomes an exclusive thing, that what you give to one person takes away from another and similar types of limiting beliefs.

Fear is not something of itself, even though we can witness its effects, fundamentally it is just a lack of love, it is a perception of lack of love. Fear is a belief in what is false. It is fear and love that repel each other. That is why when we do shadow work and clean our system, our relationships change, sometimes dramatically. These fears show us the limiting beliefs that need to be resolved to move our frequency higher.

The only thing we ever really have to accept and understand is that we can only change ourselves. The deep learning is that we cannot take responsibility for anyone else. Free will is the power we each wield. Nobody is a victim, ever. Every decision is a choice between love and fear. 

Fear creates confusion and self-doubt because it does not contain the ingredients for love. We are continuously receiving feedback from the universe through our feelings. When we learn to embrace and understand our feelings, we can use them to guide us to love.   

Our evolution is a revolution of relationships. It is a revolution of love. A revolution that starts within. We transform our inner relationship with love, which is what affects our world and society.

Intimacy and pure love are the foundation of all existence because love is the frequency that creates eternally without interference. Wholesome love it is the most natural thing for us to do, but as we travel through cycles, we will inevitably find ourselves at a point where we build entire cultures out of fear and structure societies in resistance to love.

The love I am talking about is a higher love. The ability to love people deeply. To love life deeply.

The ability to see the best in everyone and fall in love with that spirit is a love that is free of quilt and shame. It is a love that gives. This is a universal love that is based on mutual respect, interdependency, transparency, and higher purpose. It is a mature love and requires emotional maturity of all parties involved, that is why it is part of our evolution.    

Every decision, that means every thought, word or action is a choice between fear and love. When you live this truth, it changes everything. This is what our intuition is for, once we learn to trust it then we always know the right way to go in every situation. The right way being the one that leads to greater love and joy. We are made for joy. That is why our pleasures can be so irresistible. There is an important distinction between following sense pleasures and following our unconditional joy. They lead in opposite directions. The one believes itself a body and the other something greater with potential.

The path of integrity is a conscious choice that is made when the consciousness is ready. The first step is always that we start to care for ourselves better. We start by changing the relationship we have on the inside, one decision at a time.  

We continuously draw the right people into our lives at the right time, magnetically we will draw a match that will push us higher to learn. When you live it consciously it can really feel like a game. Where we want to go must be a conscious choice to love, every time. It gets easier over time.

We can dedicate our life to a higher purpose by allowing each situation to work for your benefit. This is the fastest path to raising our frequency, feeling lighter, loved and being filled with joy.

People will reflect the love we have for ourselves. This is what makes it so magical.

When we can see others as our energetic brothers and sisters we can love others for who they are because they exist in relationship to ourselves. Everyone can teach us about ourselves. Individually we are unique expressions of source energy. Together we are one expression of source consciousness. We are like the rays of the sun, we can never be apart. This is the truth of who we are.    

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