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Adzuki Bean Growing Guide

Adzuki Bean Growing Guide

SHORTCUTS: Ideal Environment, How to Plant, How to Water, Companion Planting, How to Propagate, How to Harvest, Parts Used, Preparations, Uses, Key Constituents, Key Actions, Research.


Vigna angularis
Adzuki beans are annual legumes, small dark red beans that have been cultivated since 4000 BC. They contain up to 25% protein which makes them a delicious super food that is easily digested. Adzuki beans grow on a vine, up to 60cm, with yellow flowers that form long green pods. They can be used in sweet and savory dishes, used fresh, dried (soaked before cooking) and sprouted.

Growing Environment

Ideal Environment 

Adzuki beans should be planted during frost free periods in rich, loamy and well drained soil.  They enjoy sun and can tolerate cooler evenings and partial shade.

How to Plant

How to Plant 

Beans are planted about 20mm deep.  Plants should be 10cm apart in rows that are 40cm apart. Soaking the beans overnight in water prior to planting will reduce the germination time


How to Water

Water daily until the beans have emerged, then every other day until they are about 10cm tall.  After that they should be watered at least once every 5 days if there is no rain.  In general, be generous with water but make sure they are well drained, they do not like sitting in wet soil for prolonged periods.

Companion Plants

Companion Planting 

Like other beans, they can fix nitrogen in the soil. Their vining nature covers the ground, sheltering moisture and thus providing a humid, cooler microclimate for surrounding plants such as carrots, celery, chards, corn, eggplant, potatoes, brassicas, beets, radish, strawberry and cucumbers.

Here are the Companion Plants by group: Herbs, Flowers, Trees, Vegetables, Berries, Fruit and Mushrooms

How to Propagate

How to Propagate 

Saving some of the beans for next season is the best way to ensure a steady supply.  Let some of the pods dry on the vine towards the end of the season, harvest them when they are dry or let them dry out for a week before breaking open the pods and saving the beans in a cool place in an airtight container.


How to Harvest

Adzuki beans can be harvested when they are still young or when they are mature and dry, usually about 120 days.  During the growing season you can harvest the green beans when you can see the beans outlined in the pod, about once a week is sufficient.

Medicinal Plants Parts Used

Parts Used

The beans.

Medicinal Preparations


They can be used in sweet and savory dishes, used fresh, dried (soaked before cooking) and sprouted.

Plant Uses


Incorporate the Adzuki beans as a regular item in your diet as a mineral rich source of protein.


Key Constituents

Adzuki beans are a good source for a variety of minerals, with 1 cup of cooked beans providing an estimate of 4.5 mg of iron, 119 mg of magnesium, 1.2 g of potassium, 4 mg of zinc and 278 μg of folic acid.

Key Actions

Key Actions

Minerals are essential for a healthy mind-body. With up to 25% protein, Adzuki beans are a super food.



According to Adzuki beans have been used in a rat study as a possible treatment for obesity with success. (27)

USEFUL LINKS: About the Growing Guides, The Medicine Garden, Companion Plants, Basic Preparations and Plant Constituents. Disclaimer. References.

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Celery Growing Guide

Celery Growing Guide

SHORTCUTS: Ideal Environment, How to Plant, How to Water, Companion Planting, How to Propagate, How to Harvest, Parts Used, Preparations, Uses, Key Constituents, Key Actions, Research.


Apium Graveolens
Celery is a biennial that grows about 40 cm high and is more familiar as a vegetable than medicine but it has long been used as a medicine. It is a good cleanser, diuretic, lowers blood pressure and the seeds are used for arthritic conditions (1).

Growing Environment

Ideal Environment 

Celery likes fertile soil with an abundance of organic matter, cool temperatures and constant moisture. It will not tolerate heat and can be hard to transplant.  Tie growing celery stalks together to keep them from sprawling.

How to Plant

How to Plant 

Seeds are sown in spring and covered with a thin layer of soil, 6 to 10mm.  Plants 25 x 30cm apart. Soaking seeds in warm water overnight prior to planting will reduce germination time.


How to Water

Be generous with water and make sure the soil does not dry out completely.

Companion Plants

Companion Planting 

Celery is said to go well with bush beans, the cabbage family, tomatoes and onions.

Here are the Companion Plants by group: Herbs, Flowers, Trees, Vegetables, Berries, Fruit and Mushrooms

How to Propagate

How to Propagate 

Propagation is done through seeds.  To save seeds let some plants go to flower and pick the stalks as they begin to dry and place them in the shade to dry completely,  when ready break open the seed heads.


How to Harvest

Harvesting of the vegetable takes place midsummer to autumn, about 100 days after seeds were sown.  Seeds are harvested when the stalks begin to dry.

Medicinal Plants Parts Used

Parts Used

The stems are eaten raw for nourishment and can be made into juice. The seeds contain volatile oil and are the main part used medicinally.

Medicinal Preparations


Juice (quarter cup a day) can be used for cleansing (add the same amount of carrot juice as an option) (1). An infusion of the seeds can be used for gout and arthritis (half a cup a day), 2 tsp crushed seeds/cup, infuse 15 min (1, 3). A tincture and powder of the seeds can also be made for rheumatism. Do not take during pregnancy, breastfeeding or if you are suffering from a kidney disorder(1, 3).

Plant Uses


Cleansing, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, reducing acid throughout the body, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, antiseptic, for cystitis, nutritious and can be combined with other medicinal plants. Can be used both topically and internally (1, 3).


Key Constituents

Volatile oil 1.5-3% containing limonene (60-70%), phthalides and beta-selinene, Butylphthalide, Coumarins, Furanocoumarins (bergapten and Flavonoids (apiin) (1).

Key Actions

Key Actions

Anti-rheumatic, carminative, antispasmodic, diuretic, lowers blood pressure, sedative, anti-septic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-gout, antispasmodic, stimulant, bitter, digestive tonic, uterine stimulant and urinary antiseptic (1, 3).



Research in Germany and China shows that the essential oil has a calming effect on the central nervous system and lowering blood pressure. Some of its constituents have antispasmodic, sedative and anticonvulsant actions (1). Studies in animal models suggest that butylphthalide may be useful for the treatment of hypertension and may have neuroprotective effects.

USEFUL LINKS: About the Growing Guides, The Medicine Garden, Companion Plants, Basic Preparations and Plant Constituents. Disclaimer. References.
