I Ching astrology is a more detailed guide for self-development than traditional astrology. Astrological elements in the profile and birth chart include: Sun, Earth, Moon, North and South nodes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each astrological element falls within one of the 64 I Ching themes, which represents the spectrum of consciousness, and the life lessons we come to master. Their position can help us identify the theme in our life, expand our awareness, and guide us to self-mastery.
Your I Ching personalized birth chart is based on your birthday, location and time (if you have it). The profile is compatible with Astrology, any I Ching website or book, the Human Design system, the Gene Keys. The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical divination systems, from around 800 BCE. It is also one of the oldest books in the world and based on simple binary (what our computers are built on) with 64 themes. It provides wise and insightful answers to questions, or as a guide for contemplation. Learn more about I Ching Astrology, the I Ching Profiles & Report, and the I Ching Birth Charts & Report.
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