I Ching Profile & Report

I Ching Personalized Profile Poster Astrology Human Design Nathalie Strassburg Intuitive Geometry Art Drawing Inspiration

Your personalized profile and report contain your design aspects, personality, powers, gifts, uniqueness, passion, life tasks, possibilities, destiny and keys for life fulfillment.

Order Your Personalized Profile

Includes: Your Personalized I Ching +- 8 Page PDF report (1mb). Your I Ching Profile Poster printable JPG file: Prints up to 900×600 mm / 35,4 x 23,6 inches (8mb). Order Here.

I Ching Personalized Profile Poster Astrology Human Design Nathalie Strassburg Intuitive Geometry Art Drawing Inspiration
Example Profile. The JPG file prints up to 900×600 mm / 35,4 x 23,6 inches.

Your I Ching Personalized Profile & Report is based on your birthday, time and location. It is an introduction for educational and entertainment purposes. The I Ching is Chinese and the oldest of all the classical systems, from around 800 BCE. Read more about the I Ching.

The profile is compatible with Astrology, any I Ching website or book, the Human Design system, the Gene Keys, personality spectrum, and Numerology.

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