The Medicine Garden Companion Plants Hardcover book


The Medicine Garden Companion Plants Hardcover book is available from Amazon. This book is a simple reference guide organized into eight categories with an alphabetical listing. The Medicine Garden Companion Plants guide includes Herbs, Berries, Fruit, Flowers, Vegetables, Trees, Plants, and Mushrooms. It is printed full color on premium paper and it has 78 pages.

Other book formats:
Paperback: The Paperback book is available from Amazon.
eBook: The eBook (Epub and Pdf) is available from or Amazon (Kindle).

The information in this book has been compiled from a large number of resources and the ongoing experience of growing a food forest. The Medicine Garden is a food forest located in Stormsriver Village, South Africa.

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Companion Planting is an integral part of permaculture and a holistic approach to gardening where you plant different crops in proximity to maximize the use of space, providing nutrients, shade, or support, increasing crop productivity, attracting beneficial insects, pest control, repelling pests, pollination, and providing a space for beneficial creatures. The concept is an ongoing process of living and learning with nature and increasing biodiversity to support a sustainable ecosystem.


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