Master Yourself
Self-realization is the process of unifying our consciousness into a harmonious whole.
This online course is based on the 64 lessons from the I Ching that we master to expand our awareness, discover our authentic self, realize our inner truth, and live our unique destiny. When we balance our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects we become more self-empowered, and can achieve greater self-fulfillment.
Expand your Consciousness
This course is for anyone that is ready to expand their consciousness, grow, be authentically empowered, cultivate inner truth, have greater self-awareness, have a better relationship with themselves, better relationships with others, and achieve greater self-fulfillment.
The course is compatible with the I Ching, from around 800 BCE, China. It is a great universal model, and one of the oldest books in the world. It is based on simple binary, 0 and 1, which is what our computers are based on, with 64 (8×8) permutations. The 64 permutations form the Learning Spectrum that this course is based on, and they represent the lessons we master in life to expand our consciousness .
What you will Learn
The Spectrum of the Self
Physical Aspect
Empowered Action
Through greater self-awareness and awareness of others you will develop your willpower, intuition, and the ability to use affirmations for self-empowerment.
Instinctive Self
The Instinctive Self role is the Server, to help. We master the Instinctive Self using our willpower to serve ourselves, and others. The skill we develop is affirmation. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Tribal Self
The Tribal Self role is the Nurturer, to nurture. We master the Tribal Self nurturing with love, wisdom, and intuition. The skill we develop is intuition. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Emotional Aspect
Empowered Response
With greater awareness of desire and balance you will develop your emotional intelligence, compassion, and the ability to contemplate.
Emotional Self
The Emotional Self role is the Sage, to train. We master the Emotional Self practicing compassion, and emotional freedom. The skill we develop is compassion. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Rational Self
The Rational Self role is the Scholar, to learn. We master the Rational Self engaging life as an explorer with trust, and confidence. The skill we develop is contemplation. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Spiritual Aspect
Empowered Perspective
Awareness of your potential and higher truths will cultivate expanded perspectives, and empower your ability to achieve more and aspire higher.
Achiever Self
The Achiever Self role is the Warrior, to achieve. We master the Achiever Self participating in life with enlightened persistence. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Ecological Self
The Ecological Self role is the Priest/Priestess, to aspire. We master the Ecological Self aspiring to higher truth, and purpose. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Mental Aspect
Empowered Thinking
Integrating greater awareness of power and your higher self you will master observation, imagination, and concentration to create the life you love to live.
Integrated Self
The Integrated Self role is the King/Queen, to be a role model. We master the Integrated Self cultivating inner truth, and mastering our lessons. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Holistic Self
The Holistic Self role is the Higher Self, to create. We master the Holistic Self realizing our creative power, and inspiring others. This module contains 8 lessons with text, video, downloads, tools, and exercises.
Course Structure
The first part of the course is an introduction to the Self-Realization system. The overview that follows is a brief explanation of the spectrum of ourselves, archetypes, roles, skill, spheres of awareness, principles, the learning spectrum, numbers, geometry, feminine and masculine expressions, self-realization, needs, relationships, and transformation.
The course is then organized by the four aspects: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental. Each module contains the number, geometry, sphere of awareness, principle, trait, ability, skill, and the learning spectrum. Each aspect has 16 lessons. Each of the 64 lessons have a theme with an introduction, feminine and masculine expressions, and a spectrum with practical tools and exercises: affirmation, wisdom, compassion, contemplation, investigation, sensation, observation, and visualization.
The 64 lessons in the learning spectrum are lessons we master to be an individual that takes empowered action, capable of empowered responses, based on empowered perspectives, and empowered thinking. They are tools that cultivate inner truth, and emotional and mental freedom that allow us to embrace whatever happens in life.
Working through the lessons in the course will have a significant effect on your consciousness. You will expand your consciousness from where you are, so this course is an unique experience for everyone.
Meet Nathalie
Nathalie Strassburg is a South African designer, artist, author, gardener, and human transformation enthusiast. Nathalie is passionate about self-realization and inner peace. She has traveled extensively, lived in places like Hawaii, Thailand, Denmark , and currently resides in South Africa growing a food forest, writing a new book, and engaged in several creative projects.
In the course Nathalie shares the compelling experiences that led to years of solitude, study, expanding her consciousness, mindfulness, self-awareness, visions, intuition, and her personal journey of transformation.